抗菌时效处理对含Cu双相不锈钢组织和性能的影响 Ⅱ.耐蚀及抗菌性能

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采用电化学方法分析了经抗菌时效处理后的含Cu双相不锈钢耐腐蚀性能,同时采用覆膜法测试了其广谱抗菌效果.极化曲线测试结果表明,材料表面存在的ε-Cu等富Cu相成为钝化膜中的薄弱点,粗大富Cu相的时效析出位置易成为点蚀形核源,析出粗大富Cu相所占比例增加使得材料耐点蚀性能减弱;阻抗谱测试显示钝化膜中存在的ε-Cu等富Cu相会降低整体电位及钝化膜电阻,使钝化膜稳定性下降;DL-EPR测试表明,在相界及晶间析出的ε-Cu等富Cu相会使晶间呈现阳极性,导致晶间发生选择性腐蚀,因富Cu相主要在铁素体上析出,与奥氏体相比,其耐晶间腐蚀性能下降严重.抗菌检测表明,富Cu相的相结构和体积分数是影响材料抗菌性能的关键因素,ε-Cu的抗菌效果最好,亚稳态富Cu相次之,固溶Cu最差.ε-Cu相数量越多,抗菌效果越好. The corrosion resistance of Cu duplex stainless steel treated by antibacterial aging was analyzed by electrochemical method, and its broad-spectrum antibacterial effect was tested by the film-coating method.The results of polarization curves showed that ε-Cu and other rich Cu phase becomes the weak point in the passivation film. The precipitated location of the coarse Cu-rich phase tends to be the nucleation source of pitting corrosion. The increase of the proportion of precipitated Cu-rich phase leads to the decrease of pitting corrosion resistance. The Cu-rich phase, such as ε-Cu, in the film decreases the overall potential and the passivation film resistance, and decreases the stability of the passivation film. The DL-EPR test shows that the Cu-rich phase Will make the intergranular anodicity, resulting in selective intergranular corrosion, due to the Cu-rich phase mainly in the precipitation of ferrite, compared with austenite, intergranular corrosion resistance decreased significantly.Antibacterial test showed that the rich Cu Phase structure and volume fraction are the key factors that affect the antibacterial properties of the material, ε-Cu antibacterial effect of the best, followed by metastable Cu-rich phase, the worst solution Cu .ε-Cu phase number, the antimicrobial effect The better.
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