一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。——爱因斯坦倘若不是身临其境,耳闻目睹,我也决不会相信这样一个近乎于天方夜谭的事实: 一个设备陈旧老化、超期服役的企业,一个没有流动资金、债务缠身的企业,一个处于亏损停产、半死不活的企业,通过调整领导班子,充分发挥人的主观能动性,居然能生产出优质产品,占领广阔的销售市场,深得用户的青睐和赞誉,从而使企业起死回生,焕发出了勃勃生机。
The true value of a person first depends on how much and in what sense he is liberated from self. Einstein would have heard and witnessed without being immersive, and I would never believe such a near-universal fact: An aging, overdue company with equipment, a company with no liquidity and debt. A company that is in a loss-making, production-disabled, semi-dead life mode, through the adjustment of the leadership team and giving full play to people’s subjective initiative, can actually produce high-quality products, occupy a broad sales market, and win the favor and praise of users, thus enabling the company to rejuvenate and rejuvenate. Vital vitality.