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1、爹厅堂中亮着烛火,照见正墙上的半张字画,画是一截松树的老桩,字是隶体,一横一竖平稳的样子,隐约认出敛秀、长流的字样。油漆桌面一片黄亮,好像张大了嘴巴吸这烛火的光芒。爹坐在桌子右侧,看清半张黄铜色的脸,脸上道道的皱纹,一根根绷直了,看上去好像皮肉下面嵌着铁丝。爹说,把孟柱叫出来。暗墙里的黑影子晃动了几下,是娘。娘对着房里小声地喊,孟柱,爹叫你。房里一声应诺,一只穿了白底鞋的脚从房门里迈出来,迈过房槛一步落地时,感觉烛火和房子晃了一晃。走进厅堂的大哥先朝娘看了一眼,看到娘一双惶惑的眼睛。大哥走上前,直着身子站在了烛火前,挡住了 1, darling hall lit candlelight, according to see the wall of the half of the calligraphy and painting, painting is a piece of pines old pile, the word is the body, a vertical and horizontal smooth appearance, vaguely recognized convergence show, long stream The words. A yellow paint desktop, like a big mouth to suck the light of this candlelight. Father sitting on the right side of the table to see half a brass face, his face wrinkles, a root straight, looks like flesh embedded wire below. Dad said Mengzhu called out. Dark shadow in the dark wall shaking a few times, is the mother. Mother shouted to the house whispered, Meng Zhu, my father called you. The room soon as promised, a white-soled shoes stepped out of the door from the door, step across the threshold of the floor, feeling the candlelight and the house shook a flash. Into the hall of the first lady looked at her mother, saw a pair of bewildered mother’s eyes. Big Brother stepped forward, standing straight in front of the candlelight, blocking the
目的:采用已烯雌酚(DES)诱导建立大鼠垂体泌乳素瘤勃起功能障(P-ED)模型,并研究泌乳素瘤ED大鼠阴茎n NOS表达及超微结构的变化。方法:取雄性Wistar大鼠,分为生理盐水对照组10
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