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今年一至四月,非金属矿开采工业的主要产品,如石棉、云母等都基本上完成了季和月的生产计划。但是,应该指出,一季和四月份的生产计划只占年计划的20%。这就是说,时间已过去了三分之一,而计划才完成了五分之一。不仅如此,再就计划完成的情况来看,又是很不均衡的,——中小型企业完成的好,大型企业完成的差。中、小型企业的生产,受季节性的影响较大,在农闲、少雨的条件下,任务完成的较好是很自然的。然而,担负着国家计划大部分的大型企业,生产任务完成的不够好,却是值得注意的。因此,虽然一至四月份的生产计划基本完成,但是,对胜利完成年度计划来说,仍须鼓足二十四分的干劲,不可有丝毫的疏忽。 From January to April this year, the major products of the non-metallic mining industry, such as asbestos and mica, basically completed the quarterly and monthly production plans. However, it should be pointed out that production plans for the first and fourth quarters account for only 20% of the annual plan. This means that one-third of the time has passed and the plan completed a fifth. Not only that, but also the situation in terms of the completion of the plan is very uneven. The small and medium-sized enterprises have completed the good and the large enterprises have done poorly. The production of small and medium-sized enterprises is greatly affected by the seasonality. It is quite natural that the task should be completed satisfactorily under conditions of slackness and lack of rainfall. However, it is noteworthy that large-scale enterprises, which are responsible for most of the state plan, have not completed their production tasks well enough. Therefore, although the production plan for January to April has basically been completed, it still needs to boost up to 24 points for completing the annual plan of victory without any negligence.
根据国家计委高技 [2 0 0 2 ]2 4 6 2号文件《关于上海数字高清晰度电视地面广播实验平台项目可行性报告的批复》 ,上海文广集团在对实施实验平台中的节目制作、播出传输、发
本文分为两个章节进行探讨:  第一章 胎盘植入的中晚孕期超声参数诊断效能评价  1.研究目的:  随着剖宫产率和产前诊断技术的提高,胎盘植入的检出率近年来也不断提高。胎
目的:该实验通过对转录因子Aiolos mRNA在系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者外周血单个核细胞中的表达进行了研究,以探讨转录因子Aiolos mRNA在SLE患者发病机理中的作用,为临床筛查高
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