
来源 :清华大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hq260
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为研究挑跌流消能中水垫塘边墙衬砌块的受力问题,在乌江构皮滩模型的水垫塘边墙上布置了五个测点,运用上举力测量仪量测板块所受的上举力。运用瞬变流理论分析上举力时均值的产生机理。运用随机信号理论分析了上举力最大脉动均方根值的影响因素,通过实验确定其中的参数,并对上举力沿程分布特性进行了归纳分析。为探讨边墙衬砌块的破坏机理和设计提供了科学依据。 In order to study the stress of lining block on the side wall of water cushion pond in Zijinjiang River, five measuring points are arranged on the side wall of the water cushion pond in the Gobi Pi beach model of Wujiang River. Using the uplift force measuring instrument By the lifting of force. Using Transient Flow Theory to Analyze the Mechanism of the Mean Value of Uplift Force. The influence factors of the root mean square value of the maximum uplifting force were analyzed by stochastic signal theory. The parameters were determined experimentally, and the distribution characteristics of the uplifting force were analyzed. It provides a scientific basis for discussing the failure mechanism and design of the sidewall lining block.
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用X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)和小掠射角X射线衍射 (GAXRD)研究了铝合金LY12等离子体基离子注入形成AlN/TiN改性层的成分分布及相结构 .在此基础上测量了改性层的纳米硬度 ,并进
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