李清照是两宋词坛的佼佼者,也是中国文学史上的女中豪杰。她的词主要继承婉约派词家的发展道路,而兼豪放派之长,风格清新,形象鲜明,感情深挚,造语圆润,堪与五代词体大成者李煜相媲。李词可以南渡为界,前期词多写闺中生活,婉转生动,情趣盎然;后期词则溶注时代气息,沉哀落魄,意境凄怆。 李清照精工白描,锐意出新。她以独特的感受、新颖的想象和富赡的才情来刻画人物,往往寥寥数语,随意点染,便能形象毕出,体态丰腴。如《点绛唇》中“和羞走,倚门回首,却把青梅嗅。”只十二个字就逼真绝妙地描绘出一个美丽活泼的少女形象:那温情脉脉的秋波,那丹唇微启的笑靥,那倚门顾盼的倩影,都一一跃然纸上。又如《醉花阴》中“莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。”亦仅十四个字,通过极度苦闷的
Li Qingzhao is a leader in the lyrics of the two Song dynasties and a heroine in the history of Chinese literature. Her words are mainly inherited from the development path of the philosophical philosophers, and they are long and bold. They have a fresh style, a clear-cut image, deep feelings, and a mellow language that are comparable to those of the five-generation literary genius. Li Ci can be used as a boundary in the south. The previous words are written more frequently in the middle of life. They are vivid and full of interest. In later periods, they are filled with flavors of the times, sadness and despair, and unpredictable moods. Li Qingzhao’s fine workmanship was sketched out and he was determined to be new. She portrays people with unique feelings, novel imaginations and rich talents, often chanting a few words and arbitrarily spotting. For example, in the “Point and Lips,” “and shy away, Yimen look back, but the smell of green tea.” Only twelve characters vividly and beautifully depicts a beautiful and lively girl image: that warm sentimental Qiubo, that Danqiqiqi The laughter, the shadows of the doors and doors, all leaped on paper. Another example is “Drunk Yin” in “Don’t Eclectic, Curtains in the West Wind, and people are thinner than Huang Hua.” It’s only 14 characters. It is extremely depressed.