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  I like apples best.
  Apples are sweet and juicy.
  There’s an old saying:
  “One apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  Apples can make me healthy and beautiful.
  Would you like to eat them?
Seahorse’s Nose海馬的鼻子  Seahorses are a kind of fish.  They have long noses.  Their noses are like straws(吸管).  They use noses to suck(吮吸) food into their mouths.  Meerkat狐獴  Meerkats are small burrowin
What’s your job?  同学们,让我们一起来学习下面的职业單词。
在湖北恩施土家族苗族自治州巴东县的一个小镇上,有一片土地拥有原生态的自然峡谷风光和浓郁的土家民族文化,这就是巴人河景区(Baren River Scenic Area)。It has a beautiful name——the Shangri-La of Changjiang.  It has a very long history,and people there are the descend
海底小纵队刚刚回到章鱼堡,章鱼队长Octopus就接到海底小侦探们的报告,他们发现珊瑚礁的珊瑚生病了,十分危险。海底小纵队决定立即前往珊瑚礁,帮助珊瑚们检查身体,让他们尽快恢复健康。  Octopus: 海底小纵队的全体队员们请注意,珊瑚礁的珊瑚们生病了,我们必须现在出发!  Starfish: 时刻准备着!  Crab: 我们首先得知道他们得了什么病。  Octopus: 是的!我们想知道珊瑚们
I like eating ice creams in summer.  They taste sweet and make me feel cool.  There are many flavors of ice creams.  They are all yummy.  But I like strawberry ice creams best.  Do you like ice creams
青蛙媽妈睡了一个冬天,醒来了。她从洞里爬出来,扑通一声跳进池塘里,在水草上生下了黑黑的、圆圆的卵。太阳照着,池塘里的水越来越暖和了。青蛙妈妈出去觅食了,但她产下的卵变成了大脑袋、长尾巴的小蝌蚪,它在水里游来游去,到处找妈妈!小蝌蚪能找到自己的妈妈吗?请欣赏来自江苏省徐州市经十路小学的同学们的精彩表演!  Actors:  宋俞洁 刘偌彤 张艺馨 张潆欣  张梦哲 石轩羽 耿小船 韩兆辉  李砾宸
My favourite fruit is Watermelon.  It wears a green coat.  Its pulp(果肉) is red.  There are black seeds inside.  It is rich in water.  It tastes sweet and nice.  I like eating watermelons in summer.
暖暖的太阳升起来了——啪!——从卵壳里钻出一条又瘦又饿的毛毛虫。他四下寻找着可以吃的东西。星期一,他啃穿了一个苹果。可他还是觉得饿。星期二,他啃穿了两个梨子,可他还是觉得饿。星期三,他啃穿了三个李子,可他还是饿。星期四、星期五、星期六……它又吃了什么?吃飽的毛毛虫,会发生什么奇妙的变化呢?  从1969年诞生以来,这条从绘本大师艾瑞克·卡尔手里爬出来的毛毛虫,在近五十年的时间中,爬进了全世界两千多
Why elephants have trunks(象鼻)?  An elephant’s trunk is its nose and its upper lip. It uses the trunk to breath(呼吸) and pick up things.
请根据描述,猜一猜這是谁?他 / 她的职业是什么?  1. She’s my mother’s mother. She’s my .  She teaches English in class. She is a .  2. His sister is my mother. He’s my .  He cooks food in a restaurant. He is a .  3. Her so