Research on Composite PZT for Largedisplacement Actuators

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlesilverfox
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A new kind of composite piezoelectric ceramics for large-displacement actuators,which were composed of reduced and unreduced layers,was prepared from normal PZT by chemical reduction.The stress distribution inside the composite PZT was researched and the chemical reduction conditions were explored. The actuating properties of reduced PZT were also studied.It is found that the optimal ratio of reduced layer thickness for the composite structure is 0.3;Reduced composite PZT has lower resonance frequency and 3 times larger displacement than that of the traditional PZT;Re-oxide phases are found in reduced layer of composite PZT showing the reduction procedure needs to be improved. A new kind of composite piezoelectric ceramics for large-displacement actuators, which were composed of reduced and unreduced layers, was prepared from normal PZT by chemical reduction. Stress distribution inside the composite PZT was researched and the chemical reduction conditions were explored. Properties of reduced PZT was also studied. It is found that the optimal ratio of reduced layer thickness for the composite structure is 0.3; Reduced composite PZT has lower resonance frequency and 3 times larger displacement than that of the traditional PZT; Re-oxide phases are found in reduced layer of composite PZT showing the reduction procedure needs to be improved.
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