丘成桐教授1949年生于广东,出生后不久随全家迁居香港,1965年入香港中文大学数学系学习。由于才华出众,为数学泰斗陈省身教授所发现,1969年赴美国柏克莱加州大学深造。两年后,22岁获得博士学位,这在美国也属罕见。继而又到普林斯顿高等研究院深造。1977年28岁的丘成桐已是世界著名学府斯坦福大学教授,1987年起任教于哈佛大学。1993年入选为美国国家科学院院士。 丘教授研究成果卓著,解决了悬疑25年的卡拉比猜想,为数学界所推崇,历年获誉无数。1979年获选为加州“最杰出科学家”,1981年获美国数学学会颁发的威伯伦奖,1982年获得数学界的最
Professor Yau Cheng-Tung was born in Guangdong in 1949. His family moved to Hong Kong shortly after his birth. In 1965, he studied in the Mathematics Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Due to his outstanding talent, he was discovered by Professor Chen Chen-de, a famous math expert, and went to the University of California, Berkeley in 1969 to study for further studies. Two years later, getting a Ph.D. at age 22 is also rare in the United States. Then went to Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies. Yutong Cheng, 28, a 1977 professor at Stanford University, a world famous university, taught at Harvard University in 1987. 1993 Selected as member of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Qiu outstanding research achievements, solve the suspense 25 years of the Calabi conjecture, respected by the mathematical community, countless years of reputations. Selected as California’s “Most Outstanding Scientist” in 1979, Wibetan Prize awarded by the American Mathematical Society in 1981, and Most Obtained in Mathematics in 1982