
来源 :中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cats2106
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正常胶原溶液荧光激发峰峰位为218nm 和269nm,发射峰位为337nm、304nm。固态肺胶原纤维的荧光激发峰和发射峰均偏移,分别为235nm、283.5nm 和324nm、360nm,镜象关系较差。矽肺胶原溶液的激发峰红移2-4nm,与吸收峰的红移(3nm)一致,但是矽肺胶原纤维的激发峰却兰移2-4nm,发射峰的红移也较溶液时大。矽肺胶原纤维斯托克斯位移显著大于正常胶原,荧光偏振度减少非常显著(P<0.01)。本文认为,一方面矽肺胶原纤维内部交联成更紧密结构,另一方面,在分子水平上,刚性平面的酰胺键和3,helix 有序结构却发生改变,而且矽肺胶原纤维总的有序性较正常胶原纤维差。 Fluorescence peaks of normal collagen solution peak position 218nm and 269nm, the emission peak position 337nm, 304nm. The fluorescence excitation peak and emission peak of solid-state pulmonary fibrils were both shifted to 235 nm, 283.5 nm, 324 nm and 360 nm, respectively. The mirror image relationship was poor. The excitation peak of the silicotic collagen solution is red-shifted by 2-4 nm, which is consistent with the red shift of the absorption peak (3 nm), but the excitation peak of the silicotic collagen fiber is shifted by 2-4 nm, and the red shift of the emission peak is larger than that of the solution. Stokes shift in silicotic collagen fibers was significantly greater than that in normal collagen, with a significant reduction in fluorescence polarization (P <0.01). This paper argues that, on the one hand, the inner collagen of silicified collagen is cross-linked into a more compact structure; on the other hand, at the molecular level, the rigid planar amide bond and the 3, helix ordered structure are changed, Less than normal collagen fibers.
近20年来,在我国京剧舞台升起了一颗耀眼的花脸之星,他名扬大江南北,享誉世界各地爱好戏曲的华人圈中。这花脸之星便是“全国德艺双馨文艺工作者”、天津市青年京剧团国家一级演员孟广禄。    为学艺三进戏剧学校    孟广禄祖籍山东,1963年出生于天津一户普通工人家庭。他从5岁开始从收音机里接受样板戏熏陶,学会了《智取威虎山》《沙家浜》剧中的一些唱段。“文革”结束后天津海河岸聚集起一拨拨戏迷,大家一起
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