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中国·北方茶城成立于1995年,位于中街东端,经十余年发展,拥有经营商户一百余户。年销售额两亿元。然而,随着市场不断发展壮大,整体规模无法满足发展需要,故为进一步提升市场业态水平,切实促进茶城持续、有序、健康发展,满足更多名优厂商需求,及根据大东区“十一五”发展规划,重点打造东城商业区,中街东扩2公里的有利商机,在市、区两级政府的大力支持下,在中街东扩的黄金地段,投资兴建了中国·北方茶城,以市场为导向,顺商势而动,借政策之东风,北方茶城已然展开翅膀,翱翔天际。 China Northern Tea City was established in 1995 and is located at the east end of Middle Street. After more than ten years of development, it has owned more than one hundred business operators. Annual sales of 200 million yuan. However, as the market continues to grow and grow, the overall scale can not meet the development needs, so in order to further enhance the level of market conditions, and effectively promote the continuous, orderly and healthy development of Tea City, to meet the needs of more famous manufacturers, and according to the Dadong District. First Five-Year Development Plan, Focused on Creating Dongcheng Commercial District, and 2 km of favorable business opportunities in the eastward expansion of Zhongjie Street. With the strong support of the municipal and district governments, it invested in the construction of China North in the golden section of Zhongjie’s eastward expansion. Tea City, market-oriented, and moving along the trend of business, by the east of the policy, the northern tea city has begun to spread its wings, flying horizon.
A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on hisporch.“I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look,”she said.“What’Syour secret for a long
一个人,仅凭一双手、一根针、一个罐就能成就一份经营终生的事业,且月利数万,年利数十万元,您听说过吗? A person can achieve a lifetime business with just a pair of ha
盒饭虽然简单,但是配上百变造型,也能充满乐趣。以下盒饭造型,既能带给你视觉享受,又能增进你的食欲。假如你 Although the lunch is simple, it is also fun to mix it wit