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第十三届国际档案大会将于1996年9月2日-7日在中国北京国际会议中心举行。大会的主题是:本世纪末的档案工作——回顾与展望。第十三届国际档案大会,是历届国际档案大会的延伸和继续,又是对历届国际档案大会的总结和提高。在世纪交替重要时刻召开的这届大会肩负着总结厉史、展望未来的重要使命,具有承先启后、承上启下的深远意义。大会将着重交流“自1910年布鲁塞尔大会以来国际档案界的合作”、“档案立法、档案机构和档案基础建设的演变与发展”、“自荷兰档案手册出版以来档案理论与实践的相互影响”、“现代技术对档案和档案工作的影响”等一系列具有重大理论意义和实践意义的问题。通过四次全体会议主报告、辅助报告的充分论述和学术研讨以及开展自由论坛,使与会者对共同感兴趣的论题提出有历史启迪性的各种新观点、新见解,并力争对其中涉及各国档案工作的具有普遍性的若干重要问题取得共识,得出科学的结论,以推动21世纪各国档案工作的进一步发展。第一次全体会议的研讨,能够使与会者全面系统地了解1910年以来,尤其是1950年以来以国际档案理事会为主导的 The 13th International Archives will be held from September 2 to September 7, 1996 at the Beijing International Convention Center in China. The theme of the conference is: Archive work at the end of this century - Review and Outlook. The 13th International Archives Congress is an extension and continuation of previous international archives conferences and a summary and improvement of previous international archives conferences. This session of the General Assembly, which takes place at an important moment in the turn of the century, shoulders the important mission of summing up the history and looking forward to the future. It has the profound significance of inheriting the past and bringing it into context. The congress will focus on the exchange and cooperation between the international archives community since the Brussels Congress in 1910, the evolution and development of the archives legislation, archives agencies and archives infrastructure, and the archival theory and practice since the publication of the Dutch Archives Handbook The impact of modern technology on archives and archives "and a series of issues of great theoretical and practical significance. Through four main plenary reports, adequate expositions and academic reports aiming at supporting reports and a free forum, participants are allowed to make historical and enlightening new ideas and new opinions on topics of common interest, It has reached consensus on a number of important issues concerning the general work of archival work and has reached scientific conclusions so as to promote the further development of archival work in all countries in the 21st century. The first plenary session of the seminar enabled participants to have a full and systematic understanding of the International Archives Council since 1910, especially since 1950
新华社北京九月四日电(记者袁晔)专家认为,记载长达数百年,内容翔实可靠的档案资料对中国三峡大坝工程的决策和实施起到了关键性的作用。 长江水利委员会档案馆副馆长李德万