
来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:himail
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第一条为保证供应国家建设,调剂民用木材,保护林农利益,照顾水土保持,并稳定木材市场,根据华东区木材管理办法第十三条之规定及本省具体情况,特制定本办法。第二条各级人民政府森林工业部门及国营木材公司为国家经营木材采伐、收购、运销及调剂市场的机构,并准许本省供销合作社及依法登记的私营木商,依照本辨法的规定经营木材业务,其它任何机关、团体、部队、学校及企业单位,均不得经营。第三条凡林农自有山林均有自采、自用、自售之权。乡(村)公有林的采伐、出售及收益处理均由各该乡(村)人民代表会议讨论决定,并报告区人民政府备案。国有林的采伐,由森林工业部门负责,其它任何单位均不得采伐。森林采伐后,其采伐迹地,应由采伐者及时负责清理,由林权所有者负责更新,并由当地政府负责检查,督促执行。第四条凡有关国防军事、航行目标、名胜古迹的林木,禁止采伐。具有防止风沙、巩固堤岸及经划定之水源林等林木,不经省林业行政部 Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the Eastern Region Timber Management Measures and the specific conditions of the province in order to ensure the construction of the supplying countries, the regulation of civil timber, the protection of the interests of forestry and forest farmers, the maintenance of soil and water conservation and the stabilization of the timber market. Article 2 The forest industry departments and the state-owned timber companies of the people’s governments at all levels shall be agencies operating the country’s timber harvesting, acquisition, distribution and marketing markets and shall allow the supply and marketing cooperatives in the province and the privately-owned timber merchants legally registered to operate the timber according to the provisions of this Law Business, any other agencies, groups, units, schools and business units are not allowed to operate. Article 3 All forest farmers have their own mining, own use, the right to sell. The harvesting, sale and proceeds processing of the public (or village) public-owned forests shall be discussed and decided by the people’s congress of each township (village) and reported to the people’s government of the district for the record. The harvesting of state-owned forest is under the responsibility of the forest industry department, and no other unit is allowed to cut it. After the harvesting of forests, the deforested sites should be cleared by the harvesters in time and the owner of the forest rights should be responsible for the renewal. The local government is responsible for checking and supervising the implementation. Article IV of the national defense of the military, navigation objectives, monuments of the forest, prohibit logging. Has to prevent sand, consolidate the embankment and the provisions of the forest and other forest resources, without the provincial forestry administration
本文导出正交合成交调补偿器的幅/相特性解析式,并根据这些公式研制出星载交调补偿器.性能测试表明,该器件具有良好的抑制交调产物的能力,证实理论与实验结果相符. In this
一.当前农业显示的问题和难点  1.中国农业已走出短缺经济,所有农产品都销售困难,显示过剩。  2.产量和经济收入不协调,增产没给农民带来高收入。新技术能增产,但后果是销售困
在湖南省慈利县金岩乡海拔917.8米的茶园山下有条小溪,小溪绕过当地香火鼎盛的南岳寺注入九都溪。  1935年深秋,贺龙率红二军团一部路过小溪(今乐园)一带准备抢渡澧水。当地反动势力胁迫群众携粮携物躲入茶园的山洞,企图切断红军与群众的联系。当时气温骤降,红军生活艰难。贺龙当机立断动员红军战士寻找当地人。将近中午,一名红军战士将一位白发老者带到贺龙面前,说道:“报告,这是抓到的土豪劣坤!”贺龙走到老