
来源 :中学语文教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iammycsj
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近来读报,读到一位法国教育家的“奇谈怪论”:“21世纪最困难也是最有价值的事是让教师闭上他的嘴!” 笔者以为,此说颇有见地,一针见血,击中时弊。 近年来,教改模式成了热门话题,单就语文学科而言,据不完全统计,仅县级以上教研室认定的就有130种之多,而且大有方兴未艾 Recently reading a newspaper and reading a “fancy talk” by a French educator: “The most difficult and valuable thing in the 21st century is to let the teacher close his mouth!” The author thinks that this is quite insightful. Hit the bad. In recent years, the teaching reform model has become a hot topic. According to incomplete statistics, only the county-level teaching and research section has identified as many as 130 species, and it is still in the ascendant.
教案,每一个当老师的人都要写,也都会写。但是,你在写教案的同时是否思考过到底什么是教案?你是否真正理解教案在教学中的意义和作用? The lesson plans are written by eve
We investigate attenuation scattering and loss properties in Souss basin(SW of High-Atlas) as a transition zone between the High and Anti Atlas ranges. This district consists in a thinned crustal patc
In this study, the relative gravity data(2012 e2015), GPS data-derived horizontal deformation(2011 e2014) and the background vertical deformation from the leveling measurements(1970 e2011) in the nort
读罢此题,诸君难免窃笑:视吾等为三岁小儿,不知教案为何物。可气,可恶。 的确,任何一个教师,或者有过从教经历的人大约没有人没写过教案。 不过君且莫笑,气则更加不必。尽管
In this paper, the authors studied the traces of destruction in the fortress walls and houses of the Bosporan city of Kytaia. The study of this city has been ongoing since 1970. Over the past time, nu