
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piaodedaocao
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随着我国社会经济的不断发展,城市规模逐渐扩大,城市建设也快速发展起来。建筑设计与城市设计是城市发展的重要组成部分。城市设计和建筑设计有很多共同点和相互之间的联系,城市规划设计要指导城市设计,二是有很多交集。相互之间既有联系,有相互独立,然而,城市设计与建筑设计的不同阶段、设计中存在的矛盾和冲突是不可避免的,两者之间的关系可以更加科学合理的进行城市建设。本文探讨了城市设计与建筑设计的关系,希望能为今后的工作提供实践参考。 With the continuous development of social economy in our country, the size of the city has been gradually expanded and urban construction has also developed rapidly. Architectural design and urban design are important components of urban development. Urban design and architectural design have many things in common and relate to each other. Urban planning and design should guide urban design. Second, there are many intersections. However, the contradictions and conflicts in the design and construction at different stages of urban design and construction are inevitable. The relationship between the two can be more scientific and reasonable for urban construction. This article explores the relationship between urban design and architectural design, hoping to provide practical reference for future work.
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