Nephron-sparing surgery for small renal cell carcinoma

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:galatea
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Objective:To investigate the method and effect of nephron-sparing surgery in the treatment of small renal cell carcinoma. Methods:From August 1997 to October 2008,48 cases of small renal cell carcinomas were confirmed by surgery and pathology,and reviewed retrospectively. Of the 48 cases,there was 1 patient with bilateral tumors,8 with solitary kidney tumors,1 with unilateral tumor and a damaged contralateral kidney,and 38 with unilateral tumors and a normal contralateral kidney; 9 underwent tumor enucleation and the remaining patients received partial nephrectomy. Results:There were no local tumor recurrences and/or tumor metastasis at a mean followup of 60 months. Conclusion:Confirming conclusions from other centers,we have found that nephron-sparing surgery is an effective treatment for small renal cell carcinomas. Objective: To investigate the method and effect of nephron-sparing surgery in the treatment of small renal cell carcinoma. Methods: From August 1997 to October 2008, 48 cases of small renal cell carcinomas were confirmed by surgery and pathology, and reviewed retrospectively. Of the 48 cases, there was 1 patient with bilateral tumors, 8 with solitary kidney tumors, 1 with unilateral tumors and a damaged contralateral kidney, and 38 with unilateral tumors and a normal contralateral kidney; 9 underwent tumor enucleation and the remaining patients received partial nephrectomy Results: There were no local tumor recurrences and / or tumor metastasis at a mean followup of 60 months. Conclusion: Confirming conclusions from other centers, we have found that nephron-sparing surgery is an effective treatment for small renal cell carcinomas.
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