实施“两改一同价” 减轻农民负担

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1 农电管理体制改革 1.1 调整供电管理模式我局在地方政府的配合下,对所辖原45个乡(镇)供电站实行行业归口管理,乡(镇)政府将供电管理权全部移交电业局,供电站改为局所属的供电管业所,行为基层管电组织,在各乡(镇)行使供电管理职能.同时,局成立农电科对各乡(镇)供电所实行统一业务指导和管理.为配合全市区划调整,乡(镇)供电所由45个缩减为32个.所有供电所所长岗位通过公开答辩、竞争上岗的形式产生,并由电业部门以正式文件公布.至此,从根本上理顺了乡(镇)供电管理体制,提高了工作效率,克服了双重管理体制中存在的职责不清、机构重叠、工效率低下、业务管理脱节的弊病. 1 Reform of rural power management system 1.1 Adjustment of power supply management mode With the cooperation of local governments, the Bureau has implemented the centralized management of the 45 township (town) power stations under its jurisdiction, and the township (town) government has handed over all power supply management power to the power industry. Bureau, the power supply station to the bureau of the power supply management, the behavior of grass-roots power management organization, in each township (town) to exercise power management functions. At the same time, the Bureau established the Agricultural Power Division to implement unified service guidance for the township (town) power supply In order to coordinate with the adjustment of the entire urban area, the number of township (town) power supply stations has been reduced from 45 to 32. All posts of power supply companies have been created through public defense and competition, and have been published by the electrical industry in an official document. Fundamentally, the township (town) power supply management system is fundamentally rationalized, which improves work efficiency and overcomes the defects of unclear responsibilities, overlapping organizations, low work efficiency, and out-of-service management in the dual management system.
提起四川省绵竹市东北镇的电价,大多数村民都知道天河村农户的电价最低,他们还知道天河村的村电工卢天友工作认真负责,赢得了村委对农电工作的支持. The electricity prices
多年来,农村用电一直是哪村电工管哪村,各自为政。这种管理模式由于电工是本村人,平时工作不出村,抬头是领导干部,低头是近友亲邻,很难杜绝“关 For many years, the electr
1 邱县供用电市场概况及分析河北省邱县电力局为冀南电网趸售县局之一,有干部职工155人,担负着全县7个乡镇,218个行政村的供用电任务.35千伏变电站4座,35千伏线路6条55千米,1
企业名称综合指数100.4287.2566.7413].87排}吕资产名}贞献率排博产保值排}资产“卜}流动资产名}增值率名}负债率名}}翻专率本费用排险员劳动排品排名}销售率名排名100 103 9
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1999年 6月18日报道】 世界上两家最权威的科研机构最近发表了一份联合报告 ,认为为了解决京都气候变化协议中所列的最主要问题的挑战 ,继续选择
【美联社1 999年 9月1 9日报道】 斯洛伐克当地媒体报道说 ,斯洛伐克政府已决定关闭两座核反应堆 ,以便使该国可以顺利加入欧盟。目前 ,还没有正式确定关闭博胡尼斯核电厂的
【美国《核子周刊》 1 999年 9月 9日报道】 瑞典绿党在其对核电征税的运动中取得了重大的成功 ,与瑞典政府达成一项协议 ,对每千瓦小时核能生产的电增税大约 1欧尔 ,每年则