Enhanced bioremediation of oil contaminated soil by graded modified Fenton oxidation

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stevenyhiker
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Graded modified Fenton’s (MF) oxidation is a strategy in which H2O2 is added intermittently to prevent a sharp temperature increase and undesired soil sterilization at soil circumneutral pH versus adding the same amount of H2O2 continuously.The primary objective of the present study was to investigate whether a mild MF pre-oxidation such as a stepwise addition of H2O2 can prevent sterilization and achieve a maximum degradation of tank oil in soil.Optimization experiments of graded MF oxidation were conducted using citric acid,oxalic acid and SOLV-X as iron chelators under different frequencies of H2O2 addition.The results indicated that the activity order of iron chelates decreased as:citric acid (51%) > SOLV-X (44%) > oxalic acid (9%),and citric acid was found to be an optimized iron chelating agent of graded MF oxidation.Three-time addition of H2O2 was found to be favorable and economical due to decreasing total petroleum hydrocarbon removal from three time addition (51%) to five time addition (59%).Biological experiments were conducted after graded MF oxidation of tank oil completed under optimum conditions mentioned above.After graded oxidation,substantially higher increase (31%) in microbial activity was observed with excessive H2O2 (1470 mmol,/L,the mol ratio of H2O2:Fe2+ was 210:1)than that of non-oxidized soil.Removal efficiency of tank oil was up to 93% after four weeks.Especially,the oil fraction (C10-C40) became more biodagradable after graded MF oxidation than its absence.Therefore,graded MF oxidation is a mild pretreatment to achieve an effective bioremediation of oil contaminated soil.
我有一個矮个子室友,一米五○的个头,年龄也比我们小两岁。你可别看他个儿小年纪小,他有一样东西特别大,那就是嘴巴。如果你看到过他的笑,你肯定会惊讶不已。因为他笑起来的时候,嘴角一扯,整张嘴能占去大半张脸。  你应该知道,我说的就是你。是的,就是你。我当初第一眼见到你,就被你那张大嘴吸引住了,不说话倒也罢了,一开口,那就要被吓一跳了——一张硕大的嘴像是由内而外地镶嵌在你那尖尖的小脸上,总觉得有些怪怪的
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