
来源 :国防科技工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dvvicky
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我国航空工业与世界先进水平的差距还在加大,而体制上的重要原因之一是飞机、发动机设计所与制造企业分离。航空工业应总结历史经验教训,继续推进厂所的紧密结合与重组,以强化核心业务,提高产业集中度,建立与国际接轨、符合航空产品发展规律的体制、机制,增强竞争力。冷战结束后,世界多极化、经济全球化促进了军民用航空产品市场需求,使世界航空工业高速发展。我国航空产品的研制生产也取得了很大成绩,但总体上说与世界先进水平的差距越拉越大。在主机(飞机、发动机)发展方面表现的更为明显。其原因是多方面的,而主机科研设计单位与生产制造企业分离,形不成符合军民用航空装备发展规律、适应市场经济要求的科研设计、试制、生产、经营一体化的技术经济实体,是重要原因。 The gap between China’s aviation industry and the world’s advanced level is still increasing, and one of the important institutional reasons is the separation of aircraft and engine design offices from manufacturing enterprises. The aviation industry should sum up historical experience and lessons, continue to promote close integration and reorganization of factories, strengthen core businesses, increase industrial concentration, establish systems and mechanisms that are in line with international standards, conform to the development rules of aviation products, and enhance competitiveness. After the end of the Cold War, the world’s multi-polarization and economic globalization have promoted the market demand for military and civilian aviation products, making the world’s aviation industry develop rapidly. The development and production of aviation products in China have also achieved great results, but overall, the gap between the advanced level in the world has increased. The performance of the host (aircraft, engine) development is even more pronounced. There are many reasons for this, and the host scientific research and design unit is separate from the manufacturing enterprise. It is an important technical and economic entity that conforms to the development of military and civilian aviation equipment and meets the requirements of market economy. It is an important technical and economic entity integrating scientific research design, trial production, production and operation. the reason.
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