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香格里拉,是一条心灵的路,是一块藏在心灵深处的净土、圣地、天堂。读了“绿色情缘”的《寻找香格里拉》,会使人产生对云南丽江的无限向往。那美丽的传说,动人的故事;那玉柱凌空、峰峰相连的玉龙雪山;那枝头挂满白雪、似朵朵白莲绽放的雪松;那一望无际的草场,流向远方的溪水,还有那余音袅袅、荡气回肠的古乐……这是梦中的香格里拉吗?不,这是美丽的云南,多姿多彩的丽江。面对祖国秀美的山川,怀着一份深深的感动,我们在想,不要让这美丽仅仅留在人们的记忆中,而要让它水远留驻在中华大地,这是我们留给后人的香格里拉。 Shangri-La, is a spiritual way, is a hidden in the soul of the Pure Land, Holy Land, heaven. Reading “Green Love,” “looking for Shangri-La,” will give people an endless desire to Lijiang, Yunnan. That beautiful legend, touching story; that Yuzhu volley, Yulong Snow Peak connected peak; that branches covered with snow, like blossoming white lotus bloom cedar; that endless meadows, streams to the distance, there is the sound Curl, soul-stirring ancient music ... ... This is the dream of Shangri-La? No, this is the beautiful Yunnan, colorful Lijiang. In the face of the beautiful mountains and motherland of the motherland, with a deep impression, we are thinking that we should not allow this beauty to remain in people’s memory. Let it stay in the vast land of China. This is what we leave to future generations Shangri-La.
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吃 西班牙有各种风味的餐馆, 其中以海鲜馆、牛肉馆和“塔 巴”小吃店最为著名。在任何一 个城市都能找到。 Eat all kinds of Spanish restaurants, including the seafoo
北京市中国旅行社北京/黄山/南京双卧6日游线路行程安排 D1:乘火车赴黄山,火车上餐自理; D2:抵黄山,赴风景区。前山乘索道上山,游览玉屏楼、迎客松、天都峰、飞来石、光明顶
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Ajoint Chinese archaeology expedition comprised of the Institute of Archaeology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Central Television Station rece
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