
来源 :云南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xushaowei20092009
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這次會議事前準份不够充分,在主要問題上,在領導上預先沒有提出方案,使會議拖長了時間,開得不够緊張,雖然在各位做計劃中仍然存在一些困難,但基本上還是有收獲,有成績的。我們這次會議的收穫可以分爲三點來說: 1.會中傳達並討論了中央貿易會議和西南貿易會議的精神,在討論中大家對物價問題與公私關係的重要性都已取得進一步的認識,對今後怎樣打開農村市場,如何面向農村,討論的尤爲廣泛,這對我們今後貿易工作的方向是有很大的幫助的。 2.這一次做的計劃比過去是更週到更全面,範圍也較過去爲人,在了解了中央和西南貿易會議精神後,我们已開始注意到努力減少計劃的盲目性以求更接近實際,如這次計劃中我們顧及到了城鄉交流和公私關係,同時也還考慮到了本身的處境與力量,所以這次做的計劃,比起上一次的計劃來,面是大了,上一次做計劃,我們只偏重於數字分配,現在則更攷慮 The meeting was not sufficiently advanced in advance. On the main issues, there was not any plan for leadership in advance, which made the meeting dragged on for too long and was not nervous enough. Although there are still some difficulties in making plans for you, there are still basically gains , There are achievements. The harvest of our meeting can be divided into three points: 1. The spirit of the Central Trade Conference and the Southwest Trade Conference was conveyed and discussed during the meeting. All people have gained a better understanding of the issue of price and the importance of public-private relations during the discussion How to open the rural market in the future and how to face the rural areas is particularly extensive. This will be very helpful to our future trade work. 2. The plan for this time is more comprehensive and comprehensive than in the past. After understanding the spirit of the Central Government and Southwest Trade Fair, we have begun to notice efforts to reduce the blindness of the plan so as to be closer to reality If we consider the urban-rural exchanges and public-private relations in this plan, we will also take into account the situation and strength of our own. Therefore, the plan for this project is bigger than the previous plan. The last time we planned, we Only emphasis on digital distribution, now more consideration
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一、五個月以來的贸易工作: 整個說來,雲南五個月的貿易工作是有成績的,雲南是新區,缺乏物資力量,又正當全國財經工作統一的轉折時期,我們開展了工作,我们在西南及雲南財委
·出入境 入境可携带2OO支香烟、1公升酒、3公升香水和相当于1OO美元的商品。贵重物品或电器要申报,出境时才不会有麻烦,古董、红茶、咖啡和香料禁止携带出境。携带相当于1O