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以经济社会协调发展为目标,构建经济社会协调发展综合测度指标体系,基于耦合协调模型,采用系统分析与综合指数评价法,测度2008和2013年我国地级及以上行政单元经济社会协调发展水平,并分析其空间分异特征。研究表明:(1)我国经济社会分系统发展水平、综合度、耦合度、协调度均存在明显的空间差异,东部沿海地区发展水平较高,西北、西南等地区发展水平较低;2008—2013年经济社会分系统及综合协调发展水平均逐渐提高,区域空间差异逐渐缩小。(2)我国经济社会协调发展空间分异特征显著:呈现“级差化”分异特征,总体处于中级协调状态;呈现“梯度化”分异特征,经济社会综合度及耦合协调度呈东部>中部>西部的发展格局;呈现“集群化”分异特征,城市群区域的协调度明显高于其它区域。(3)经济社会协调发展与城市规模及经济发展水平呈正相关关系,壮大城市发展规模、提升经济发展实力是提高城市经济社会协调发展的重要途径。研究从提升经济社会分系统发展水平、强化系统间相互作用,优化经济社会协调发展政策,优化经济社会区域发展战略等方面提出政策建议。 In order to coordinate the economic and social development as the goal, the index system of comprehensive measure of economic and social coordinated development was established. Based on the coupled coordination model, the system analysis and comprehensive index evaluation method were used to measure the level of economic and social coordinated development of prefecture level and above administrative units in China in 2008 and 2013, And analyze its spatial differentiation characteristics. The research shows that: (1) There are obvious spatial differences in the development level, comprehensiveness, coupling degree and coordination of China’s economic and social subsystems; the development level of the eastern coastal areas is high; the development level in the northwest and southwestern regions is relatively low; 2008-2013 The economic and social systems and the level of comprehensive and coordinated development all gradually increased, and the regional differences in space gradually narrowed. (2) The spatial differentiation of economic and social development in our country is remarkable: the characteristics of “differential differentiation” are presented, which are generally at the intermediate coordination state; the characteristics of “gradient” differentiation, economic and social synthesis and coupling coordination Showing the development pattern of eastern> middle> western and showing the differentiation characteristics of “cluster”, the coordination degree of urban agglomeration is obviously higher than that of other regions. (3) The coordinated development of economy and society has a positive correlation with the urban scale and the level of economic development. Enlarging the urban development scale and enhancing the economic development strength are important ways to improve the coordinated development of urban economy and society. The study proposes policy suggestions on improving the development level of economic and social subsystems, strengthening the interaction among systems, optimizing the economic and social coordinated development policies and optimizing the regional economic and social development strategies.
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