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江西省地税系统从2006年全面推行规范化管理体系。规范化管理是为了完成地税使命及追求服务对象满意而进行的明确岗位职责、规范管理流程、定义工作标准及绩效管理的一系列活动。其目的是为了解决地税管理尚存的管理基础薄弱、执行力不强、工作效率不高、工作机制运转不协调等问题,建立一个以人为本、以信息化为依托的现代化地税管理机制。一、地税规范化管理工作应用 ISO9000标准的理论依据1、税收征收管理中的质量问题①地税征收管理业务的质量。是指税收征收管理业务满足明确和隐含需要的能力的特性总和。②地税征收管理过程的质量。地税征收管理业务的完成都必须经历一个过程,而过程的每一阶段又可 Jiangxi Province, the local tax system from 2006, the full implementation of standardized management system. Standardized management is a series of activities that define clear job responsibilities, standardize management processes, and define work standards and performance management in order to fulfill the mission of land tax and satisfy the clients. Its purpose is to solve the remaining problems of weak management foundation, weak executive power, low work efficiency and uncoordinated working mechanism, and to establish a modern local tax management mechanism based on people-oriented and information-based. First, the standardized management of land tax application of ISO9000 standards based on the theory 1, the quality of tax collection management ① tax collection and management of business quality. Refers to the tax collection management business to meet the specific needs of the explicit and implicit ability of the characteristics of the sum. ② land tax collection and management of the quality of the process. Land tax collection management business must go through a process, and each stage of the process can
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach based on newly designed primers, JYF5/JYR5, wasapplied for specific detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri(Xac).
With continuing advanced research into pleural fluid turnover, the majority of scientists hold the view that pleural fluid is derived from the microvessels in p
近日,中国市长协会在北京发布的《中国城市发展报告》指出,中国已进入城镇化加速时期,预计到2020年,将有50%的人口居住 Recently, the China Urban Development Report rele
“十一五”规划表明,  政府采购已不仅是加强支出管理,  节约财政资金的制度,  还是促进经济社会发展很重要的政策手段。  这既为全面推进政府采购制度改革工作注入新的动力,  还为加快这项改革和实施政府采购政策功能指明了方向。    在“十一五”规划纲要中,提出了要深化政府采购制度改革。我们要按照中央的要求,切实做好市场经济条件下的政府采购工作。    一、树立科学发展观,探索“十一五”期间政府采
目的:定量研究睾酮分泌剧烈减少所致睾丸和附睾的组织学变化。方法:14只成年 SD 大鼠腹腔内注射二甲磺酸乙烷(EDS,75mg/kg),14只注射生理盐水作为对照。7天后处死各组中的一