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就业创业问题是当前中国经济发展面临的最大挑战之一,特别是农村大量的富余劳动力滞留农村,它同农村的贫穷问题密切相联。如何解决我国当前面临的日益严峻的就业问题,不仅关系到国民经济能否持续、快速、健康发展,而且关系到能否保持安定团结的政治局面。新形势下,国家大力实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业创业政策,全力推动大众创业、万众创新,促进经济社会发展,保障和改善民生。在西藏推动农牧区劳动力就业创业,是促进农牧民增收和精准扶贫工作的关键环节,是西藏建设社会主义新农村的重要内容,对于全面建成小康社会、积极稳妥地推进城镇化建设进程、加快西藏农牧业和农村经济发展、增加农牧民收入至关重要。 Employment and entrepreneurship is one of the major challenges facing China’s economic development. In particular, a large amount of surplus labor in rural areas stays in rural areas and is closely linked with poverty in rural areas. How to solve the increasingly serious employment problem that our country faces now is not only related to whether the national economy can develop continuously, rapidly and healthily, but also whether it can maintain the political situation of stability and unity. Under the new situation, the state vigorously implements its employment priority strategy and a more proactive employment and entrepreneurship policy, and endeavors to promote public entrepreneurship and innovation, promote economic and social development, and safeguard and improve people’s livelihood. To promote employment and start-up of rural labor force and labor force in Tibet is a key link in boosting the incomes of farmers and herdsmen and accurately helping the poor. It is an important part of building a new socialist countryside in Tibet. For building a well-to-do society in an all-round way and actively and steadily advancing the process of urbanization, To speed up the development of Tibet’s animal husbandry and rural economy and rural economy and increase the incomes of farmers and herdsmen are of the utmost importance.
【正】 “紧中有活”的总体是要紧些但不是一概都紧“紧中有活”政策,从总体说是要收紧些,我理解包含两层意思:一是相对于去年下半年的“稳中求松”而言,今年要收紧;二是在资
【正】 我们龙泉县位于浙南山区,全县共有43个信用社,195名职工。1984年底建立了县联社。两年多来,全县信用社各项存款比1984年底增长了118%,累放各项货款相当于联社建立前十
【正】 国务院办公厅6月27日向各地各部门发出《关于加强银行金融信贷管理工作的通知》。通知的内容是: 一、各级人民银行要加强对专业银行和其他金融机构的业务领导,切实把