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  For many English learners, learning to write well in English is much more difficult than learning to speak well. Even for high level learners, written communications can come much more slowly in English than spoken communications. There are a number of reasons for this:
  Written Communication Is More Formal
  Writing in English needs to follow rules of grammar much more closely than in spoken English.
  For example, if someone says “Please borrow me your pen” in conversation, it’s clear from the context that the speaker intended to say“Please lend me your pen”. In written communication, words are even more important because they lack visual context. Especially if you are working in a business place, making mistakes can cause miscommunication which might lead to problems. In conversation, you can smile and make a good impression. With writing, all you have are your words.
  Spoken Communication Allows for More “Mistakes”
  Imagine if you’re at a party. You might have a conversation with someone and only understand a few words. However, because you’re in the context of a party, you can make all the mistakes you want. It doesn’t matter. Everyone is having fun. When it comes to writing, there’s not so much room for error.
  Expectations Are Much Higher for Formal Written English
  We expect more of what we read. We expect it to be true, entertaining or informative. When there’s expectation, there’s pressure to perform well. With speaking, with the possible exception of giving a presentation, there’s not nearly so much pressure—unless you’re closing a business deal.
  It is important when learning written English skills—especially for business English—to realize the challenges that you will face when learning to function in a written English environment.
  Formal and Informal English Are Very Different   正式与非正式的英语有不小区别
  Formal and informal English differ in word choice, word usage, and grammatical structures. Informal writing may sound more like conversation while formal writing may be more polished. An informal style may make listeners feel more comfortable when you are speaking, but a formal writing style can make a good impression.
  We use formal language in situations that are serious or that involve people we don’t know well. Informal language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well.
  Formal language is more common when we write; informal language is more common when we speak. Formal language and informal language are connected with the choices of grammar and vocabulary. Using formal language doesn’t mean that you have to sound boring, you can still use words imaginatively in formal writing. There are some news reports using formal language, but the words are rich and stimulating to keep the audience interested.
  Finding Right Word—The Hardest Trick in Writng
  Another reason some individuals might find it difficult or impossible to write, is that written language takes on many different registers depending on the functions of the written words. Often, these functions are totally foreign to spoken language and then can be considered“not real” to the speakers. These functions are often only used in written speech and are even more abstract to some individuals.
摘要:通过“化学式与化合价”这一节同课异构课的思考,反思化学用语的有效教学策略,从而为今后教学指明方向。  关键词:化学用语;化学式与化合价;有效教学  文章编号:1008-0546(2015)01-0041-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2015.01.017  化学是在原子、分子水平上研究物质的组成、结构
Who is the first? 谁第一?  Ants You You and Cong Cong go to B from A. There are two roads and they go at the same speed. Who will get to the destination first? 蚂蚁优优和聪聪从B地出发到A地,有两条路线。它们行走的速度一样,你知道它们俩谁先到达A
摘要:结合具体教学案例,探讨元素化合物知识教学中设计优质问题串的教学策略,揭示问题串的不同教学方式及其不同的教学功能。  关键词:问题串;高效课堂  文章编号:1008-0546(2015)01-0037-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2015.01.015  “问题串”是指在一定学习范围或主题内,围绕一定教
摘要:学生是学习的主体,为了促进学生对教学内容的理解掌握,运用化学知识解决实际问题的能力,从而达成课堂的高效性。结合化学学科的特点,我认为,在教学中应做到以下四动,即:实验带动、教师引动、学生主动和多元互动等四个环节。  关键词:高效课堂;实验带动;教师引动;学生主动;多元互动  文章编号:1008-0546(2010)11-0008-02 中图分类号:G632.41 文献标识码:Bdoi:10.
摘要:通过对农村初中生化学学习兴趣的抽样调查,结合专家的观点对农村初中生的化學学习兴趣现状进行了初步的分析,运用现有的资源对农村初中生进行化学兴趣的培养和激发,为培养农村初中生的科学思维和创新精神作了初步尝试。  关键词:农村初中生;化学学习兴趣;兴趣调查;培养策略  文章编号:1008-0546(2017)08-0021-03 中图分类号:G632.41 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969
摘要:高考冲刺阶段复习,既要研究高考试题,更要研究教情和学情,通过对经典高考试题的分析与讲解,达到让学生掌握基本的解题思路,学会获取信息、加工信息和运用信息的方法,促进学生的科学素养提高和能力提升。  关键词:实践层面;冲刺高考;思考  文章编号:1008-0546(2016)05-0000-00 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546
摘要:论文提出了建构“化学基本观念”的化学教学,即在化学教学中,要从化学的视角培养学生认识事物和解决问题的思想、观点和方法。论文基于化学观念建构视角,进行了“乙烯”的教学实践,并从“化学变化观”和“化学实验观”的角度进行思考。  关键词:乙烯;教学;知识本位;观念建构;化学基本观念  文章编号:1008-0546(2016)08-0013-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:
【新目标英语七年级(上)  期末综合复习题参考答案】  一、1~5 BCBCC 6~10 CABBA  二、1~5 CABBC 6~10 ACBAB  三、A 1~5 ACBAC B 6~10 CAABC  C 11~15 AABAC  四、  My Best Friend  Hi, I’m Li Jun. I’m in Grade Seven now. This term, I make som
摘要:文章对2016年全国新课标理科综合(I)化学试题进行了评析。该套试题在命制过程中注意知识的基础性与考查知识全面性结合,在继承中有所发展;强化了实验的考查,彰显了化学的魅力;理论联系实际,体现化学知识的应用价值;实现了素材呈现方式的多样化,凸显了信息素养。  关键词:全国高考;基础知识;联系实际;信息素养  文章编号:1008—0546(2016)07—0079—03  中图分类号:G633.
Beidaihe, a city by the sea, is quite beautiful and the air there is so good to breathe. It is easy to go there by train. Besides, you can also take a bus or plane.  In the eyes of some people, Beidai