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  On the street culture scene, beatboxing has taken a back seat to hip hop, rapping, street dancing and graffiti art since it surfaced in the 80s.
  Until now.
  If you thought this art of vocal percussion[打击乐] was nothing more than a party trick with a mouth and a
  microphone, take note. Over the last few years, the
  popularity of beatboxing has grown. It has gained an international following and an online audience, with beatboxers uploading their videos to various websites, and fans mixing beats or even using them for ringtones.
  For Nigerian artist Joseph Omotoye, known as Jojo Bodybeats, the human body can be a one-man band. He uses his entire body – including his mouth, lips,
  shoulders, chest, stomach and a spoon beaten against his cheeks – to make extraordinary “body music.”
  Reporter: So that was the birds, and what about the drums?
  Bodybeats: The drums?
  (Bodybeats makes sounds.)
  Reporter: And that drumming; you were hitting you…between your shoulder and your chest.
  Bodybeats: Yeah. Shoulder and the chest and the tummy. Because I can address so many sounds from my tummy. And I have enough concentration[注意力] of forming
  beats, drums, and rhythms[韵律] from the system. And I find so easy, comfortable.
  Reporter: Right, now let me hear that tummy.
  (Bodybeats makes sounds.) How much practice does this all take, Jojo Bodybeats?
  Bodybeats: Well, I practice every day. If I’m alone, I do it. If I’m doing something else, or eating, un-
  consciously[下意识地] I will… (making sounds) I always eat to rhythm. I make sure I eat to the rhythm or I drink to the rhythm. My life is more or less music. When you listen to these sounds, it’s good for my body. People always love it… (making sounds) If you got to sneeze[打喷嚏], you got to sneeze to the rhythm… (making sounds)
  Reporter: (laughs) So you even have to sneeze in time and in tune and in rhythm.
  Bodybeats: Honestly.
  (Bodybeats makes sounds.)
  Reporter: But you know the one thing we haven’t heard, which was what made everybody’s head swivel[旋转] and pay attention.
  Bodybeats: Yeah.
  (Bodybeats makes sounds.)
  Reporter: I have to tell you as this
  happens, you know what he’s using? He’s using his hands, his
  fingers, slapping them against his cheek, sort of making an “o” with his mouth, and this is the sound that comes out. Listen!
  Now that sounded like London Bridge is Falling Down, didn’t it?
  Jojo Bodybeats, thank you very much!
  Bodybeats: It is a pleasure.
  博迪比茨: 没错。肩膀、胸口和肚子。因为我能用肚子发出很多声音。我能聚精会神地利用身体,拍打出拍子、鼓声和韵律。我觉得挺容易的,而且很舒服。
  博迪比茨: 喔,我每天都会进行训练。如果一个人呆着,我就会练一会儿。如果我在做别的事情,或者在吃东西,我就会不知不觉地这样做……(发出声音)我总是合着节奏吃东西。我会确保自己在吃吃喝喝的时候也按一定的节奏进行。我的生活就是音乐。你听到的这些声音,它们其实对我身体都是相当有益的。人们都很喜欢这些节奏……(发出声音)如果你要打喷嚏,你也应该合着拍子来打喷嚏……(发出声音)
  博迪比茨: 确实如此。
  博迪比茨: 没错。
  博迪比茨: 不客气。
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CE: Teens曾在2008年4月号的“娱乐直播室”详细介绍过这部电影。如果将那几页内容浓缩起来,这就是一个简简单单的勇者物语。  提到“勇者”,我们一下子就会想到像尼姆最崇拜的大冒险家亚历克斯·罗弗那样的人物——无论处境如何险恶,有亚历克斯的地方就有出路。  但这样的勇者大多只是某个作家内心的声音或其笔下的虚构英雄。而在现实中,勇气的体现可能不过是大人不在时看紧家门,生物解剖课上的第一刀,对喜
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Let’s face it. 我们拥有许多让生活更加便利的高科技产品,其中最强大的莫过于电脑和互联网  了—以前,谁会想到只要轻松一点就能和世界沟通,知道N千万个为什么?然而,我们开始忘记字怎么写,文章总是文法不通;我们也不再捧起书本阅读,不再问问题,取而代之的是看电子书、上网“百度”或“Google”各种疑难—我们似乎不能静下来思考了……我们好像比以前笨多了……美国学者尼古拉斯·卡尔最近发表了《
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