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想象中,能被电视剧拍摄者们选作一群梁山好汉驰骋厮杀之所在,一定充满了草莽阳刚之气心然而,当我驱一车4Q公里,从北海市区来到星岛湖时,映人眼眸的,竟是一派柔媚温润风光,大概是因为那一顷碧水的缘故吧。盛夏之时来到这处碧披荡漾的湖畔,确实让人有一种远离酷暑堕人清凉世界的感觉。星岛湖之美,美在它名实相符。湖水因为深邃而碧绿如茵,把眼望向远处,宽阔的湖面水波不兴,如一块翠玉横陈眼前。湖中岛屿星罗棋布,大者成岭,山峦起伏,林洞幽深。小的如一叶扁舟浮在水面,仅容十数人立足。岛上因有林木覆盖,称为绿岛,并不为过。如果登高鸟瞰,你霎时就会明白,难怪叫作星岛湖,这一座座大小岛屿静卧湖面,不就是一颗颗美丽的星星撒落在碧水之中么,只是这星星是翠绿的,像一块块翡玉。在湖畔招一只机动木船,我穿行在这一湖流动的碧玉之中,一座座岛屿从我身旁掠过。在湖岸上,只觉岛屿绿意盎然,近岛细看,才发现岛上遍植松树、枫树、木麻黄、苦谏子树。树林之间,杜鹃、杨梅等灌木,竟也生意葱笼。不时的,还会发现几茎杂花,娇羞地开放在林木之间,引来蜂蝶缠恋许久,不肯离去。碧水、绿树、翠鸟、彩蝶、野花、微风,这一美景让我恍若梦中。我陶醉于一路美景,赞声不绝。船主听得高兴,竟与我一问一答,如数家珍般向我说起这湖中岛上的景象。他说每年春秋两季,候鸟南迁, Imagine being able to be selected as a group of Liangshan Shan heroic riders fight where the TV series shooters must be filled with the masculine masculinity of mind However, when I drive a car 4Q km from the Beihai urban area come to Star Island Lake, Eyes, actually a school of gentle and gentle scenery, probably because of it is clear water because of it. When summer comes to this rippling blue Bi Lake, does make people have a feeling far away from heat into the cool world. The beauty of Sing Tao Lake, the United States in its name match. Because the lake is deep and green, looking out to the distance, the wide lake is unsettling, such as a jade cross the eyes. Lake islands dotted, the largest ridge, undulating hills, forest deep. Small as a leaf boat floating in the water, only for a few people based. It is not an exaggeration to say that the island is covered with trees because it is called Green Island. If you climb a bird’s eye view, you will instantly understand that it is no wonder that called Star Lake, the size of an island lying on the lake, is not a beautiful stars scattered in the clear water, but this star is green, like A piece of jade. In the lakeside resort a maneuvering wooden boat, I walk through the flow of jasper in this lake, a seat of island passing beside me. On the shores of the lake, I found that the islands are green and close to the islands. I found that there are pine trees, maple trees, casuarina trees and bitter remonstrance trees on the island. Between the trees, rhododendron, bayberry and other shrubs, actually also business Cong green cage. From time to time, you will find several stem flowers, shyly open between the trees, attracted a long time Beidou butterflies, refused to leave. Clear water, green trees, the kingfisher, Nabi, wild flowers, breeze, this beauty makes me dream reminder. I am intoxicated with the beauty of all the way, never stop. The owner listened with pleasure, actually asked me a question and answer, like a few hometown to me talk about this island in the lake scene. He said that in spring and autumn every year, migratory birds move southward,
目的 观察夹脊穴配合刺络拔罐治疗股外侧皮神经炎的疗效.方法 将64例股外侧皮神经炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各32例,分别采用夹脊穴配合刺络拔罐法和单纯局部针刺法治疗,2