2014影音集成行业商务交流平台 美国CEDIA展会专业参观组团即将启动

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在业内享负盛名的CEDIA 2014展会将于9月10-13日在美国科罗拉多州首府丹佛举办。作为全球最著名的家用消费电子行业盛会之一,每届展会都汇聚了世界顶级影音智能品牌、新技术与新产品的发布以及众多业内知名的影音设计师与专家,是家庭影音智能娱乐定制行业走势的风向标。由美国CEDIA消费电子安装与设计协会授权,《家庭影院技术》杂志社承办的“2014影音集成行业商务交流暨美国CEDIA展会专业参观团”即将于2014年9月正式启航。这是继《家庭影院技术》杂志社与美国CEDIA协会联合于5月7-8日在北京成功举办了“CEDIA认证工程师系列培训——2014初级培训班,音视频设计基础培训课程和定制安装项目管理课程’的又一重要之举,届时将参观全球最大的定制安装行业盛会,在展会现场将与众多世界顶级的影音设计师沟通,接触更多崭新的品牌、先进的技术与解决方案,参加美国CEDIA的一系列专业讲座与培训,领略美国 CEDIA 2014, prestigious in the industry, will be held September 10-13 in Denver, Colorado, USA. As one of the world’s most famous household consumer electronics industry event, each exhibition brings together the world’s top audio and video smart brand, the release of new technologies and new products and many well-known industry-leading audio and video designers and experts, is the home entertainment and audio and video customization industry Trend vane. By the United States CEDIA Consumer Electronics Design and Installation Association authorized the ”Home Theater Technology“ magazine contractors ”2014 video integration industry business exchange and the United States CEDIA exhibition professional tour “ will be officially launched in September 2014. This is the ”Home Theater Technology“ magazine and the United States CEDIA Association jointly held in Beijing on May 7-8 successfully held ”CEDIA Certified Engineer Series Training - 2014 initial training courses, audio and video design training courses and custom installation Project management courses’ another important move, will visit the world’s largest custom installation industry event, the site will be with many of the world’s top audio-visual designers to communicate with more new brand, advanced technology and solutions, Participate in a series of American CEDIA professional seminars and training, enjoy the United States
Plant virus infections are known to alter host plant attractiveness and suitability for insect herbivores.This study was conducted to determine how cucumber mos
1.剥皮晒棒法。在玉米灌浆后期,籽粒达到正常大小时,将苞叶剥开,使籽粒外露,促进脱水干燥。一般可比正常熟期提前4~5天,比同一时间直接收获增产6%~15%。 1. Peeling drying rod
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