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云杉次生林是关帝山的优势森林植被类型,也是华北亚高山地区寒温性常绿针叶林的代表类型.为更好地了解其物种组成、群落结构等基本特征及其潜在的生态学过程和机制,于2010年在关帝山庞泉沟国家自然保护区建立了4 hm~2的云杉次生林固定监测样地(GDS样地).本文以第一次本底调查数据为基础,分析了样地树种组成、结构和空间分布.结果表明:样地共有木本植物30种,隶属于11科22属.包括分枝的总个体数为26218(其中独立个体数为10266).植物区系组成属北温带成分;不同树种个体数、平均胸径和胸高断面积差异较大,导致群落成层分明,各层优势种明显.乔木层第一亚层树种径级结构呈双峰偏正态分布,乔木层第二亚层树种径级呈近似正态分布,灌木层树种径级呈“L”型分布.乔木优势树种青!和华北落叶松的空间分布无论在个体数量还是聚集程度上均随径级变化而呈现不同的格局特征.相同径级的两树种,胸径(DBH)≥30 cm的华北落叶松在样地居多且聚集分布于样地中部,而DBH≥30 cm的青!则相对较少,没有表现出空间聚集性.DBH≤10 cm的华北落叶松个体很少且散生于样地,而DBH≤10 cm的青!大量聚集于样地中部.DBH≤10 cm的青!在样地偏西北区域也有大量分布,而DBH≤10 cm的红桦主要分布于样地偏东南区域.灰子、土庄绣线菊和四川忍冬等灌木树种也表现出一定的异质性空间分布特征.树种分布格局受生境条件影响,同时与自身发育规律、更新特征及生态习性等相关. The spruce secondary forest is the dominant type of forest vegetation in the Guandi Mountains and is also the representative type of the frigid evergreen coniferous forest in the subalpine region of North China.In order to better understand its basic characteristics such as species composition and community structure and its potential ecological processes and Mechanism, a 4 hm ~ 2 fixed monitoring plots (GDS plots) of spruce secondary forest in the Pangquangou National Nature Reserve of Guandi Mountain were established in 2010. Based on the first background data, The results showed that there were 30 species of woody plants belonging to 11 families and 22 genera in total, including 26218 individuals (including 10266 individuals) The composition of the north temperate component; different species individual number, the average diameter at breast height and the area of ​​the greater difference between the chest, causing the community stratification, dominants obvious dominant species. , The diameter of the second sub-tree species in arbor layer was approximately normal distribution, and that of shrub layer species was “L ” type.The spatial distribution of arborous tree species Larix principis-rupprechtii and Larix principis-rupprechtii was not only in the number of individuals but also in the degree of aggregation With changes in diameter were presented Different pattern characteristics.The Larix principis-rupprechtii with the DBH≥30 cm was mostly in the sample plot and distributed in the central part of the sample with the same diameter, but the DBH≥30 cm was relatively less with no performance A spatial aggregation of DBH ≤ 10 cm of individuals Larix principis-rupprechtifolia scattered and scattered in the sample, and DBH ≤ 10 cm of green! A large number gathered in the middle of the sample. DBH ≤ 10 cm green! In the sample northwest There are also a large number of distribution in the area, while the red birch with DBH≤10 cm is mainly distributed in the southeastern area of ​​the sample.The shrub species such as ash, Diabrotica virgata and Sichuan honeysuckle also show some heterogeneity spatial distribution. The pattern is affected by the habitat conditions, and at the same time is related to its own developmental patterns, renewal characteristics and ecological habits.
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