抓好设备管理 创造更大效益

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仪征化纤股份有限公司是在党的改革开放方针指引下诞生和发展起来的特大型化纤骨干企业.从1978年筹建至今,累计完成投资65亿多元,形成年产80万吨聚酯、35万吨涤纶纤维、25万吨PTA生产能力.公司总资产和净资产分别达到143亿元和84亿元,是目前国内最大的化纤和化纤原料生产基地,在世界专业聚酯生产供应商中排名第四.从1984年底投产到1995年底,仪征化纤累计生产化纤产品405万吨,实现销售收入373亿元,创利税78亿元,其中税后利润46亿元,利润年增长率达26%,是国内外瞩目的高成长型企业.多年来,仪化公司十分重视设备管理工作,把设备管理作为生产管理的中心环节和企业管理的基础工作来抓.围绕管好、用好、修好、改造好设备,狠抓设备规范化管理,完善管理制度、健全激励机制、调动各级设备管理人员积极性,在设备检修、改造方面取得突破性进展,使仪化设备管理工作上了一个新水平.强有力的设备管理, Yizheng Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. is a super-sized chemical fiber enterprise that was born and developed under the guidance of the Party’s reform and opening up policy. Since its establishment in 1978, it has completed a total investment of more than 6.5 billion yuan, forming an annual output of 800,000 tons of polyester, 350,000 Tons of terylene fiber and 250,000 tons of PTA production capacity. The company’s total assets and net assets have reached 14.3 billion yuan and 8.4 billion yuan respectively. It is currently the largest domestic chemical fiber and chemical fiber raw material production base and ranks among the world’s professional polyester production suppliers. IV. From the end of 1984 to the end of 1995, Yizheng Chemical Fiber produced a total of 4.05 million tons of chemical fiber products, achieved a sales income of 37.3 billion yuan, a profit tax of 7.8 billion yuan, of which profit after tax was 4.6 billion yuan, and the annual growth rate of profit was 26%. Domestic and foreign high-growth enterprises that have attracted attention. Over the years, Yihua has attached great importance to the management of equipment. It has taken equipment management as the central link of production management and the basic work of enterprise management. Focusing on good management, good use, repair, and transformation. Equipment, pay close attention to the standardized management of equipment, improve the management system, improve the incentive mechanism, mobilize the enthusiasm of equipment management personnel at all levels, made breakthroughs in the equipment overhaul, transformation, so that the instrument design Management work to a new level. Powerful device management,
中泰合资扬州兴发化工有限公司位于风景秀丽的古城扬州东效大运河畔的伯镇,是一个只有60余名职工的小企业。但他们的新产品“二茂铁”1995年 Sino-Thai joint venture Yangzh
黄河水波涛汹涌,奔腾到海不复回。 在黄河入海处——胜利油田,汇集了许多有志青年,他们把澎湃的热情、火热的青春,都奉献给了祖国的石油事业。 33岁的廖永远,就是他们的优秀
吉化公司研究院研制成功的腈硅聚合物近 日获化工部科技进步二等奖,该项成果填补了国内空白。 The nitrile silicon polymer successfully developed by the Jilin Chemica