10月2日,江苏省科学文化展览会开幕了. 展览会分为科学、教育、文化、卫生四个部分。成千上万的图表、模型和实物,展出在南京市长江路原美术陈列馆大厦的三层楼房里,集中而形象地反映了十年来尤其是1958年大跃进以来,在党和毛主席的英明领导下,全省科学、文化、教育、卫生事业所取得的巨大发展和辉煌成就。
On October 2, Jiangsu Province Science and Culture Exhibition was opened, and the exhibition was divided into four parts: science, education, culture and health. Tens of thousands of charts, models and real objects were exhibited in the three-story building of the Nanjing Changjiang Road Museum of Fine Arts. This concentrated and vivid picture shows that since the Great Leap Forward in 1958, Under the wise leadership of the province, the great achievements and brilliant achievements made by the entire province in science, culture, education and health.