
来源 :天津政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konglingdao
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市人民委员会关于转发“国务院批转财政部关于差旅费、会议费和小单位伙食补贴等三个规定”的通知(64)委财字10号 1964年2月10日各委(办)、局、处,各区人民委员会,中央和各省(市)、自治区驻津单位,各机关、团体、企业、事业单位:现将国务院一九六三年十二月九日国财字829号批转财政部关于差旅费、会议费和小单位伙食补贴等三个规定转发给你们。市财政局为便于掌握,并结合本市具体情况和目前执行中存在的问题,作了补充规定。市人委同意市财政局的意见,一并转发给你们,自一九六四年二月十五日起执行。执行新规定之后,各机关、企业、事业单位,都不得自行变更标准,并教育工作人员严格按规定制度办事。所有以前本市颁发的有关规定及部门、单位自行规定的办法,应一律作废。以上,希转知所属单位认其贯彻执行。附:1.国务院批转财政部关于差旅费、会议费和小单位伙食补贴等三个规定2.天津市财政局关于差旅费、会议费的补充规定 Municipal People’s Commission on the transfer of “the State Council approved the transfer of the Ministry of Finance on travel expenses, meeting fees and small units of food subsidies and other three provisions of” notice (64) Committee 10 on February 10, 1964 Committee (Office) Bureau, Office of Local People’s Commissars, Central Committees of People’s Commissars, Central and Provincial (Municipal) Autonomous Regions, Units in Tianjin, Organizations, Organizations, Enterprises, and Institutions: Now that the State Council approves No.829 Guo Cai Zi on December 9, 1963 The Ministry of Finance forwards to you three stipulations on travel expenses, conference fees and meals subsidies for small units. Municipal Finance Bureau to facilitate the mastery, combined with the specific circumstances of the city and the current implementation of the problems, made additional provisions. The Municipal People’s Committee agrees with the Municipal Finance Bureau and forwards it to you, starting from February 15, 1964. After the implementation of the new regulations, all organs, enterprises and institutions shall not change their own standards and educate staff strictly in accordance with the provisions of the system. All previous regulations promulgated by the municipality and the measures stipulated by the departments and units themselves shall be null and void. More than hope to inform their affiliates to implement it. Attached: 1. The State Council forwards the three provisions of the Ministry of Finance on travel expenses, conference fees and small unit food subsidies 2. Supplementary Provisions of Tianjin Finance Bureau on Travel Fees and Conference Fees
印度尼西亚国家航空与航天协会(Lembaga Penerbangan danAntariksa Nasional,简称LAPAN)成立于1963年,是个非政府部门机构,直接向总统负责。尽管挂着国家航宇协会的牌子,却
日本东洋通信机公司研制的弹性表面波滤波器是利用由压电基片上形成的月牙型交叉电极激励的弹性表面波振动器件,其特点是小型和轻量,它广泛地应用于各种无线电设备。 Japan