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病毒性肝炎已经成为全球最严重的公共健康威胁之一。上海市疾病预防控制中心介绍,上海结合居民健康档案管理和家庭医生制度的建设,在全国率先探索开展慢性肝炎患者的社区签约管理工作,协助临床医疗机构为慢性肝炎患者家庭提供体检、病程监测、转诊、疫苗接种、健康咨询和消毒指导等健康服务。目前,世界卫生组织推荐的一线治疗慢性乙肝的口服药物“替诺福韦酯”已经纳入 Viral hepatitis has become one of the most serious public health threats in the world. Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention introduced the combination of Shanghai residents health records management and family doctor system, the first in the country to explore the development of community-based management of patients with chronic hepatitis, to help clinical institutions for chronic hepatitis patients provide medical examination, course of disease monitoring, Referral, vaccination, health counseling and disinfection guidance and other health services. At present, the first-line treatment recommended by the World Health Organization for chronic hepatitis B oral drug “tenofovir dipivoxil” has been included
The hypothalamic Arg-Phe-amide-related peptides, gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone and orthologous mammalian peptides of Arg-Phe-amide, may be important regulator
抗菌素在临床使用中的过敏反应及毒性反应有时不能及时发现,尤其是抗菌素过敏引起的发热反应。现将我所观察到的2例报告如下。 例1:聂××,女,12岁。患者家属自述5天前因感
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
工程设计中如何科学的、定量的选择最佳设计方案,是个复杂的多因素问题。本文提出用层次分析法来进行设计中的方案优选,并详细给出了方法的特点、步骤、应用实例等。 How to
延志吴高速公路以其特殊的项目条件,在环境差、工期短的情况下,攻坚克难,本着创建优质工程的宗旨,贯彻落实规范化的建设管理理念,彰显出管理者求真务实的工作作风。 With it