
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinz
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他是水保战线上一头奋力耕耘不松套的老黄牛;他的事迹在全县乃至平顶山市的水利战线上广为传诵。他就是河南省鲁山县水保站共产党员、副站长、高级工程师刘英宪。 1954年,刘英宪从黄河水校水文专业毕业后,被分配到山西省黄河一水文站工作,他把个人理想和追求默默地融于水文事业,妻子在老家一人拉扯3个孩子,承担了全部家务。1975年调回鲁山后,全家才得以团聚。1980年建水保站时,领导上又派他到该站工作,他二话没说,愉快地奔赴新的岗位。 1985年冬,正当刘英宪在站上忙于课题阶段总结,指导整理上报年终资料时,妻子从县城捎信,说要到郑州 He is a veteran ox who works hard and not loosely on the line of water and soil protection. His deeds are widely read on the water front of the entire county and even in Pingdingshan. He is Lushan County, Henan Province, soil and water conservation station member, deputy stationmaster, senior engineer Liu Yingxian. After graduating from the Yellow River hydrological school in 1954, Liu Yingxian was assigned to work at the Huanghe River Hydrological Station in Shanxi Province. He immersed his individual ideals and pursuits silently into the cause of hydrology. His wife pulled three children at home and took all the household chores . After the transfer to Lushan in 1975, the whole family was reunited. When he built the water conservation station in 1980, the leader sent him to work at the station again. He said nothing and went to the new post happily. In the winter of 1985, while Liu Yingxian was busy with the task summary at the station, when guiding and arranging the end of year information, his wife sent a message from the county to say hello to Zhengzhou
在植物中表达 HBs Ag,其最终目的是开发口服疫苗。这种可食用的植物提取物 ,加工处理很少 ,抗原稳定 ,抗原量可控制。在作为商品疫苗之前 ,须对其 HBs Ag结构、总抗原量、展
EnvironmentalestrogensandhumanhealthLIXue-Lin(CenterforReproductiveSciences,UniversityofKansasMedicalCenter,USA)Overrecentyea... Environmentalestrogens and human health LIXue-Lin (Center for Reproductive Sciences, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
目的:观察穿心莲内酯对异丙肾上腺素所致大鼠心肌肥厚的保护作用及其对心肌组织Na+-K+-ATPase、Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase活性及羟脯氨酸含量的影响。方法:采用ISO1 mg.kg-1.d-1,背部