The development of Chinese films under the influence of antagonism between long take and montage the

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  【Abstract】These elements form a complicated with creative montage system and the combination of long take practices and montage system achieving a notable effect. Montage has changed gradually as the development of the practice of film. Meanwhile, although completing a good shooting sequence or a good film is influenced by the film theories and style of shooting, these also are influenced by cultural and political background and history of different countries. In addition, according to the analyses and discussions of shooting techniques, reading the practices of montage and long take in details, we can find that the antithesis between the formalistic and the realistic are not obvious in—Chinese cinema of the last thirty years. Chinese commercial films of this period have demonstrated a strong inclination towards montage techniques while resorting to long-take visual strategies in some cases.
  【關键词】Chinese films; antagonism; long take and montage
  【作者简介】Lin Ya, University of Melbourne.
  The Dead End is a 2015 Chinese crime drama film based on Xu Yigua’s novel Sunspot (YouTube, 2018). The film is directed by Cao Baoping. There are the two main reasons which I choose this film as a case analysis in my research essay. Firstly, the plot become more in-depth step by step (IMDb, 2018). In the beginning, the director gives the background of the whole story, but in the end, many reversions appear. Two main lines are presented clearly, one is the sheriff has been tracking down the truth, another is the three previous perpetrators have been hidden in various ways (IMDb, 2018). The two lines intersect, resulting in the intense collision and the reversal appear in the ending, giving the audience an impressive experience. secondly, the technique of montage and long take both have play a strong role in The Dead End (2015) which are representatives of the sort of tendencies in contemporary Chinese cinema that I am describing.
  I will use the beginning of The Dead End (2015) as the main case to concentrate on the application of montage because this film is a typical representative which can show the montage practice of Chinese film. Although the four-minute from the beginning pictures are all montage applications, the types of these montages are different. I divide the four minutes into three different montage parts and will analyze them specifically. There are three main montages applied in the first four-minute, sound montage, editing montage and the hue style of montage. Meanwhile, the montage through all the four minutes in different aspects, it involves the transformation of takes, the connection of takes, sound, and speed of takes. These different practices of montage applied in some takes at the same time. Moreover, we can find that the starting four minutes (from the 1’43s to 5’53s) presents the background of the storyline and leave much suspense to attract audience keeping watch this film. The director used these montages at the beginning to take audiences into the direction of the plot set by the director, although the truth of ending is an inversion and has shocked many audiences. The purpose of the director is achieved to a large extent by means of these montages. Finally,
【摘要】随着我国教育水平的不断提升以及全球一体化时代的到来,初中英语这门课程已经成为了初中生的必修科目。学习英语并不是简单的学习英语词汇和英语语法,而是要去更多地了解西方国家的各种文化。因此从这个目的出发,英語教师在教学的过程中要懂得教会学生如何更好地进行跨文化交际。本文将从多跨文化交际的概述以及跨文化交际在初中英语教学中的渗透探析两个方面进行概述。  【关键词】跨文化交际;初中英语教学;渗透探析
一、思维导图与高中英语写作的关系  思维导图(mind mapping)的创始人是英国著名脑力开发权威Tony Buzan。 在他1974年出版的《启动大脑》一书中,他正式将这个脑力潜能开发的工具介绍给世人。思维导图顺应了大脑的自然思维模式,以直观形象的方法让我们把各种观点在图上表达出来,使我们的思维可视化,是一种帮助我们归纳和梳理知识点的好工具。  思维导图在全球范围内被广泛地应用到学习当中,并
【摘要】随着时代的发展与进步,越来越多的人开始认识到学习英语的重要性。英语在人们心中的地位也得到了普遍意义上的提高,小学的英语教育已受到重视,语音学习、自然拼读法已经成为小学英语课堂中重要的一部分,在思维上已经引起了人们的高度重视,但事实上,小学英语的教学效果并不理想,在运用时的方式方法上还有待提高,系统化、结构化还欠缺,并且课上课下的练习和使用频率还不高。  【关键词】小学英语;语音习得;措施 
【摘要】在当期小学生英语教学中,更加注重对小学生综合素质的培养和提升。合作教学能够引导学生通过合作学习的方式来提升英语学习热情,提高课堂教学效率,这对于今后小学英语课堂教学效果的提升有着十分重要的意义。本文基于笔者课堂教学经验,对合作教学在小学英语课堂的应用进行论述,以期为合作学习更好的发展提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】合作教学;小学英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】朱昱烨(1990.08-),女,江
【摘要】党的十八大以来,习近平主席提出要将培养高度的文化自信作为建设社会主义文化强国的重要内容之一。在多元文化并存的背景中,由于受各种文化的不断冲击和侵蚀,部分学生在文化和价值观念等方面的信仰和信念发生了动摇。如何应对其他文化对学生文化观念及价值观的不断挑战,学校教育的积极改革和创新是必不可少的。  【关键词】文化;文化自信;学校教育  【作者简介】袁明婞(1994-),女,汉族,贵州瓮安人,贵州
【摘要】戏剧《在山巅》是美国年轻剧作家Katori Hall的成名作,讲述了马丁路德·金遇刺前一晚发生的故事。在戏剧创作中剧作家通常通过人物对话来表现人物性格和小说主题,人物对话隐藏的言外之意更是我们关注的重点。本文以会话合作原则的违反为理论框架,旨在从语用学的角度分析《在山巅》中会话合作原则违反所塑造的马丁路德·金的新形象,揭秘其不为人知的另一面。  【关键词】《在山巅》;合作原则的违反;马丁路
【摘要】阅读在英语教学中的重要地位不言而喻,如何利用思维导图来促进阅读能力的提高,促进学生进行深度阅读,提升学生思维品质,从而提高初中英语阅读教学的有效性,是本文要论述的。  【关键词】思维导图;阅读教学;思维品质的培养  【作者简介】刘雯,合肥市第七十中学。  在一个学习程度两极分化较严重的班级里,如何使不同层次的学生在英语阅读课中能够理清文本思路,有效提取文本信息,加深对文本的认识,并通过思辨
【摘要】随着信息技术的全面普及发展和高职教育教学改革的不断深化,在高职英语教学实践中融入信息网络终端技术已成为高职英语教学发展的必然趋势。高职英语教师应积极使传统的英语教学与现代信息网络技术相结合,使之取长补短,优势互补,實现最佳的教学效果。本文从高职英语教学现状出发,探讨混合式教学模式对高职英语教学的现实指导意义。  【关键词】高职英语;信息技术;互联网;混合式教学  【作者简介】马小花,宁夏警
【摘要】合作学习是一种能够凸显学生主体地位,锻炼学生思维能力的教学方式。这项新型教学模式强调学生组内的交流和讨论,鼓励学生各抒己见,取长补短,有利于培养学生语言表达能力和问题分析能力。在小学英语教学中合理地运用合作学习,可以在调动学生课堂参与积极性的基础上降低学生学习难度,从而提升学生的学习质量和学习效率。本文立足于合作学习的优势分析,就具体的应用策略展开探讨。  【关键词】英语教学;合作学习;应
【摘要】随着科学技术的不断发展,媒体传播方式也发生了很大的变化,不仅有纸媒、广播这样的传统传播形式,还包含有为微信、微博、网站等这样新型的传媒形式。在高校英语教学中,加强英语教学与传播媒体的融合,可以为高校英语教学提供丰富的教学资源和多样的教学方式,从而提高高校英语教学质量。  【关键词】高校英语教学;传媒整合;策略研究  【作者简介】李伟,河北师范大学大学外语教学部。  现阶段传播媒体在高校英语