“晚霞未必逊晨曦”古今中外的许多名人,晚年依然保持着旺盛的生命力,壮心不已,孜孜以求,继续为社会做着贡献。 马克思51岁时,为研究俄国历史开始学习俄语,由于他的勤奋,仅半年就能阅读俄文原著。 恩格斯一生掌握20多种语言文
“The sunset is not necessarily Sun Dawn” Many celebrities at all times and in all countries have survived their vigorous vitality in their later years. They are determined and continue to make contributions to the community. At the age of 51, Marx began to study Russian for the study of Russian history. Due to his diligence, only half a year can read Russian. Engels has over 20 languages in his life