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  Abstract:As a new educational concept and teaching model, the flipped classroom not only provides a personalized teaching platform for teachers, but also provides a personalized learning space for students.
  Keywords:development direction; flipped classroom
  一、The characteristics of flipped classroom
  Teachers send video data to the students before the class. The students read these materials using their own time. The time of teaching must be reduced, leaving students more time to do learning activities. Students’ role is fully transformed. Students obtain the required knowledge in network resources and do personalized learning under the guidance of teachers. What’s more, they can fully communicate and discuss with teachers and team members, not only expanding and deepening the knowledge but also arousing the enthusiasm of their participation in this process. Student truly become the protagonist of the classroom.
  二、 The development direction of flipped classroom
  The essentiality of the flipped classroom is to change the teaching mode, but its key of success is whether the teachers are willing to change or not. It should first instill the concept of flipped classroom to teachers, establish a firm education belief, help them build confidence in the education reform, and encourage them to do teaching attempt. The schools transmit advanced education ideas and teaching modes to them, using the teaching mode of flipped classroom to organize class. It offers a new way for students’ cultivation, that is to say ‘learn teaching from teaching’. This model must devote to solve the following problems: how to effectively implement flipped classroom in large-scale class; how to monitor students’ learning under the condition of lacking self-control; how to provide rich teaching resources at the situation of insufficient information technology; how to measure the effective learning, etc. It should break the traditional methods of ‘who is a teacher, who evaluates students’ status. It should establish an educational evaluation mechanisms, realizing the combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluation, promoting the students’ personality development.
  Flipped classroom is an innovative teaching model. It overturns the traditional teaching patterns, and it is a major breakthrough of teaching reform under the condition of modern information technology.
  References :
本刊讯 (记者 崔建玲)11月15日,农业农村部“质量兴农万里行”陕西站启动仪式暨执法监管创新论坛在陕西省安康市召开.继福建、云南、河南等省举办万里行活动后,质量兴农的接
摘要:当前社会中幼儿的教育问题已经成为社会焦点问题,尤其是二胎政策的实施,以及幼儿教师资源的缺乏,使得中职学前教育成为目前比较热门的专业。本文介绍了小组合作探究教学模式的内涵与意义,并提出其在中职学前教学过程中应用的具体策略,旨在推动中职学前教育的教学质量提升。  关键词:中职;学前教育专业;小组合作策略  【中图分类号】J60-4【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-2627(2017)9-00
摘要:阎真的长篇小说因其绝对自觉的小说文本,绝对真实地书写了当代中国大学良知之难和中国大学精神之死,彰显了批判现实主义文学的绝对力量,荣获首届“路遥文学奖”。《活着之上》是一部直面中国高校当下知识分子生存状态的精神图像,是一副现代人在物质世界的诱惑下灵魂挣扎与变异的多彩画卷。  关键词:阎真;《活着之上》;人文精神坚守  【中图分类号】I207.42【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-2627(
本刊讯 (记者 毛绪强)11月5日,由农业农村部和四川省人民政府联合主办的第九届中国·四川(彭州)蔬菜博览会在彭州市中国·四川天府蔬香博览园蔬香广场盛大开幕.开幕式上,成都
本刊讯 (张添奥)11月11日下午,吉林市粳稻贡米进温州宣传推介活动启动仪式在温州国际会展中心5号馆隆重举行,吉林市粮食局、温州市粮食局相关领导工作人员及两市17家粮油企业
摘要:中国旅游地理是旅游专业学生的必修课程,旅游与地理环境密切相关,人们通过旅游积累了丰富的地理知识,同时又以地理知识正确指导旅行活动具有重要的意义。本文通过对中国旅游地理教学中存在的问题进行分析,并指出相应的改进对策,旨在提高中国旅游地理课程的教学质量,对中国旅游地理教学的改进起到促进作用。  关键词:中国旅游地理;教学问题;对策  【中图分类号】G712【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-2