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今年许多发生严重旱灾的地区,同时发生了严重的虫灾。三化螟第二代或第三代,今年发生得又早又多。还有些地区发生了稻飞虱、浮尘子。这些害虫正在严重影响着双季晚稻的分蘖、中稻和单季晚稻的孕穗和抽穗。黄河流域主要产棉区,也都发生了棉铃虫和红蜘蛛,部分地块的棉花发生了落花落铃和红叶的现象。第二代玉米螟发展得很快,比去年同期增加六倍还多。秋蝗已在许多地区发现,河南、山东、河北、安徽和江苏五省,发生蝗虫的耕地面积约有一千五百多万亩,其中以河南、山东比较严重。此外,还发生了各种病害,如稻瘟病,等等。在这样严重的虫灾面前,受灾地区的人民斗志昂扬,正在以翻江倒海的英雄气慨和各种害虫作斗争。河南从8月13日起,每天出动八十万治蝗大军;山东济宁、菏泽两个专区,每天也有三十万人参加治蝗。他 In many of the areas hit by severe drought this year, serious pests also occurred. Borer borer second or third generation, this year took place much earlier. There are also some areas of planthoppers, floating dust son. These pests are severely affecting the tillering of late season double cropping rice, the booting and heading of middle and late season late rice. Cotton bollworm and spider mite also occurred in the main cotton producing areas in the Yellow River basin. Cotton falling off in some plots had the phenomenon of falling bells and leaves falling. The second generation of corn borer developed rapidly, more than six times more than the same period last year. Autumn locusts have been found in many areas. About 5,500,000 hectares of grasshoppers are harvested in the five provinces of Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Anhui and Jiangsu, of which Henan and Shandong are more serious. In addition, various diseases have occurred, such as rice blast, and so on. In the face of such a grave insect pest, the people in the affected areas are highly motivated and are fighting the various pests with the heroic spirit of going down the river. From Aug. 13, Henan dispatched over 800,000 locust troops daily; the two prefectures in Jining and Heze in Shandong Province each day have 300,000 people participating in locust control. he
1958年6月我在西安市国营草滩农场,发现甜菜的茎秆有枯裂现象,用手剥开内有幼虫及成虫,经鉴定为甜菜茎象(虫甲)(Lixus subtilis Sturm.),被害严重的植株茎秆折断,提前枯死,
1.经比较研究结果证明:广西的甘薯瘟二种病原细菌〔菌株29(167—1)和2(167—1)〕及华南农学院寄来广东的甘薯瘟病原细菌(菌株 IR_4)在形态与染色反应,培养特征,温度的关系,生
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食根金花虫(Donacia lenzi Schonf.)俗称地蛆,历年来在高邮县马棚、界首、周山、临泽、官垛等公社的一熟沤水田为害比较严重,尤以中稻被害最烈,一般被害率为30—40%,严重的达
褐稻虱是水稻穗期的暴发性害虫.近几年来,由于耕作制度的改变和夏凉秋暖气候 的不断出现,太湖流域稻区褐稻虱的暴发频率很高,对单季稻和后季稻的高产稳产威胁甚大.为及早准确