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本文系李森科院士1950年度中的重要著作之一。原文最初發表于7月15日蘇聯真理報,后轉載於‘农业生物学’第4期、‘選種及育種’第8期、‘土壤学’及‘蘇維埃農业学’第9期等期刊首页。真理报于8月3日社論‘拥护农业科学的創造性的發展!’(■)一文中,更論及本文且强调其重要性。該文說出了B·P.威廉士在創立正確的土壤精耕制度的不朽功绩后,便提出了李森科院士文中所指出的威康士学说中的二大錯誤:就是對冬季穀物栽培的否定態度和應用礦物肥料在無结构土壤上的否定意見。由於這些錯誤,使蘇聯農業部及蘇聯国營農場部的工作者們不顧各地不同的實際情形,教條地硬性规定在一些多小麥收成高於春小麥的地區推广春小麥的播種,縮減冬小麥的播種面積,因而使国家蒙受很大損失。真理報社論最後更指出說:“我們的苏维埃科学不应停留在原有的成績上,不應把学者们的理论当为教條,而應該把它們作为行动的指導來運用,適時且堅决地抛棄一切錯誤的、過時的、陳旧的东西,並且要在不斷地与实践联系中,以經驗來充實它,使它向前推進。”本文中對農作物的因地制宜和肥料的正確施用值得我們的國營農場及小農田地經營者作為參考。又譯文中黑體字句系作者李森科院士所用;文中原註亦係作者所注;其他係译者所注,均附於篇末,以供讀者參考並希指正。 This article is one of the important works of Academician Li Senke in the 1950s. Originally published in the Pravda newspaper of the Soviet Union on July 15 and later reproduced in the fourth issue of Agricultural Biology, the eighth edition of ’Selection and Breeding’, the ’Soil Science’ and the ’Journal of Soviet Agriculture’ No. 9 Home. Pravda, in an editorial on August 3, ’Fostering the Creative Development of Agricultural Sciences,’ (s), deals more with the text and emphasizes its importance. This paper states that B.P. Williams, after establishing the immortal merit of a correct soil intensive farming system, proposed two major mistakes in his doctrine of Wellcome’s doctrine: the negative attitude toward winter cereal cultivation Negative Opinion on Application of Mineral Fertilizers to Unstructured Soils. Because of these mistakes, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Soviet Union and the workers of the Soviet State Farm Department disregarded the actual situations in different places and dogmantly stipulated the promotion of spring wheat sowing and the reduction of winter wheat sown areas in areas where the yield of wheat was higher than that of spring wheat. Thus causing great losses to the country. In conclusion, the truth newspaper editorial pointed out: “Our Soviet science should not remain in its original achievements. We should not regard scholars’ theories as dogma. Instead, we should use them as a guide to action and abandon it timely and resolutely All wrong, outdated, outdated things, and in constant contact with practice, empirically enrich it and make it move forward. ”The proper application of crops and fertilizers in this article deserves our state-run Farms and small farm operators as a reference. Also in the translation of the black body sentence system is used by the author of Academician Li Senke; Note in the original text is also noted by the author; other translators note, are attached to the end of the article, for readers reference and correct.
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中州铝厂重奖科技功臣 为了进一步激发科技工作者的创新精神,扭转一部分人员宁愿到管理岗位管事,不愿到科技岗位做事的不良现象,中州铝厂制定了《科技成果奖励办法》。《办