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魔芋食品是优秀的保健食品,具有降血脂、血糖、降胆固醇、减肥、改善便秘(排毒养颜)的特殊功效,但因入味难,口感差,严重影响消费,其优秀的保健作用难以体现。纯原料冷冻魔芋(雪魔芋、凌魔芋)是魔芋食品中唯一入味好,口感好,咀嚼感特殊的民间珍贵特产,是国家经委88年委托轻工部研制项目,目前不能人工生产。本专利解决了人工生产的技术问题,其品质远高于天然冷冻的产品,本品用全粉生产无废料,产品新鲜、食用方便,清香脆嫩、常食不厌,可与同类中高端产品媲美。根据其特性,本品可与肉类伴炒、炖煮、黄焖、红烧、火锅、做米线面条帽子及凉拌, Konjac food is an excellent health food that has special effects such as lowering blood fat, blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, losing weight, and improving constipation (detoxification and beauty). However, it is difficult to taste and has poor taste, which seriously affects consumption. Its excellent health care function is difficult to realize. Pure raw material frozen konjac (Snow Amorphophallus, Ling konjac) is the only folk special product of konjac food that has good taste, good taste, and special chewing feeling. It is a research project commissioned by the State Economic Commission in 88 years and it cannot be produced artificially at present. This patent solves the technical problems of artificial production. Its quality is much higher than that of natural frozen products. This product uses whole powder to produce no waste. The product is fresh and convenient to eat. It is fragrant, crisp, and easy to eat. It can rival the similar high-end products. According to its characteristics, this product can be accompanied with meat, stir-fry, stew, sassafras, braised, hot pot, noodle noodle hat and salad.
本文主要阐述的是广告宣传在社会生活和日常生活中所起的作用。 51.[答案]选D。本文侧重单句意义测试,考察考生对文章第一句的理解,尤其是句中as well as。这里,应将其理解
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