百年沧桑 国际车展

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车展历来是汽车品牌展示的最佳平台,也是机械工业时代与唯美主义相糅合的名车演出舞台。目前全球鼎鼎有名的国际五大车展,也是世界汽车发展史的一个剪影。人们通过车展更清晰明了地了解汽车——这个把人类引领上轮子时代的一项重要的伟大发明。汽车,承载着人们飞跃与速度的梦想,而车展是让我们和梦想零距离的所在。 The auto show has always been the best platform for the display of car brands, and it is also the stage of the famous car that coincides with aestheticism in the era of the machinery industry. The world’s top five international auto shows are also a silhouette of the world’s automotive history. Through the auto show, people understand the car more clearly and clearly – an important and great invention that led mankind to the wheel era. The car, which carries the dream of people’s leap and speed, and the auto show are where we can make a zero distance from our dreams.
异乡打拼,事业爱情双丰收    1996年夏天,刚从成都大学毕业的红柳依依不舍地告别心爱的女友,踏上了前往山西大同的创业之旅。当时的大同还是个比较封闭的城市,广告业刚刚起步,正是有志男儿大展宏图的好机会。红柳抓住这个好时机,利用自己大学所学的专业,加上成都先进的广告理念和刻苦勤奋的努力,很快在当地广告业拥有了属于自己一片天空。  1998年,红柳带着重新创业的豪情和对未来美好生活的憧憬回到成都。虽
THERE is paper in front of me andso now, once again, I am going toanswer letters from our youngfriends. A young girl, Yanyan, in grade threeof junior high: “I
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