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目的:探讨不同部位脑白质病变(WML)与认知功能的相关性。方法:应用蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)对2019年1月至2020年5月在首都医科大学电力教学医院收治的68例WML患者的认知功能进行测评,应用与年龄相关的脑白质改变分级量表(ARWMCRs)对WML的严重程度进行评分,分析不同病变部位ARWMCRs评分及总分与认知功能总评分之间的相关性,以及不同病变部位ARWMCRs评分与认知功能各子项之间的关系。结果:68例WML患者不同部位病变程度由重到轻依次为:额区、顶枕区、基底节区及颞区,幕下区未发现白质病变。除基底节区以外,其余区域ARWMCRs评分及总分均与MoCA评分呈负相关,其中左额、右额、左顶枕及右顶枕区与MoCA评分的相关性最强(n rn s=-0.388、- 0.479、- 0.418、- 0.502,均n P<0.01)。WML患者左额区与语言、抽象及定向力呈负相关(n rn s=-0.479、- 0.324、- 0.288,均n P<0.01);右额区与视空间执行功能、记忆力、语言、抽象及定向力呈负相关(n rn s=-0.324、- 0.272、- 0.459、-0.382、- 0.352,均n P<0.05);左顶枕区与视空间执行功能及记忆力呈负相关(n rn s=- 0.287、- 0.270,均n P<0.05);右顶枕区与记忆力、语言、抽象及定向力呈负相关(n rn s=- 0.366、- 0.289、- 0.260、- 0.307,均n P<0.05);左颞区与语言、抽象及定向力呈负相关(n rn s=- 0.248、- 0.372、- 0.608,均n P<0.05);右颞区与抽象及定向力呈负相关(n rn s=- 0.525、- 0.465,均n P<0.01);右基底节区与定向力及记忆力呈负相关(n rn s=- 0.455、- 0.275,均n P<0.01);左基底节区与MoCA各子项无相关性。n 结论:WML患者额区及顶枕区白质病变最严重,这两个区域病变所导致的认知功能损害范围也最广。“,”Objective:To explore the correlation between white matter lesions (WML) at different locations and cognitive function.Methods:The cognitive function of 68 patients with WML in Beijing Electric Power Hospital from January 2019 to May 2020 were assessed with Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA), and the extent of WML were assessed with age-related white matter changes rating scale(ARWMCRs). Correlation between the ARWMCRs scores of different locations and the scores of all locations and the scores of cognitive function, as well as the relationship between the ARWMCRs scores of different locations and each subitem of cognitive function were analyzed.Results:In 68 patients with WML, the degree of lesions in different parts from heavy to light was frontal area, parietooccipital area, basal ganglia area and temporal area, and no white matter lesions were found in infratentorial area. Except the basal ganglia region, the ARWMCRs scores in other regions and the total score were negatively correlated with MoCA score, among which, the ARWMCRs score in left frontal area, right frontal area, left parietal pillow and right parietal pillow region had the strongest correlation with MoCA score(n rs=- 0.388, - 0.479, -0.418, -0.502, all n P<0.01).In WML patients, the left frontal area was negatively correlated with language, abstraction and orientation (n rs=- 0.479, - 0.324, - 0.288, all n P<0.01).The ARWMCRs score in right frontal area was negatively correlated with visual spatial and executive function, memory, language, abstraction, and orientation (n rs=- 0.324, -0.272, -0.459, -0.382, -0.352, all n P<0.05). The ARWMCRs score in left parietal occipital region was negatively correlated with visual spatial and executive function and memory (n rs =-0.287、- 0.270, all n P<0.05). The ARWMCRs score in right parietal occipital region was negatively correlated with memory, language, abstraction and orientation (n rs=-0.366, -0.289, -0.260, - 0.307, all n P<0.05).The ARWMCRs score in left temporal region was negatively correlated with language, abstraction and orientation (n rs=- 0.248, -0.372, - 0.608, all n P<0.05).The ARWMCRs score in right temporal region was negatively correlated with abstraction and orientation (n rs=- 0.525, -0.465, all n P<0.01).The ARWMCRs score in right basal ganglia was negatively correlated with orientation and memory (n rs=- 0.455, - 0.275, all n P<0.01), while The ARWMCRs score in left basal ganglia was not correlated with MoCA subitems.n Conclusions:The frontal area and parietal occipital area are the most serious lesions in WML patients, and the lesions in these two areas also cause the widest range of cognitive impairment.
【摘要】在针对消防给水系统进行设计时,要考虑到消防水池设施的建设,该设施能够起到一定的储水作用,并且能够进行移动,对消防水泵也能够进行固定。在对其进行设计时,可以分为高位消防水池以及低位消防水池。该文章主要针对消防水池取水口的设置问题进行了分析和探讨。  【关键词】消防设施;消防水池;取水口;设置;常见问题  供消防的水源可以来自天然水源,以及市政给水系统或者是消防水池等,如果需要使用市政给水,那
【摘要】水利工程作为能够保障人民生存发展的基础设施,能有效减少洪涝等自然灾害对人类的伤害,为人民做出巨大贡献。为了满足人们对水利工程日益提升的需求,我国水利工程建设數量在持续增长,并且在进行水利工程建设时,使用科学的导流技术不仅能够提高工程效率,还能够提升工程质量。因此,本文通过研究工程施工中的导流问题和对该技术进行简要分析,希望能为水利工程建设提供一定帮助。  【关键词】水利工程;导流;施工技术
【摘要】社会经济的快速发展,使得人们加大了对水利工程建设项目的重视力度。水利工程建设项目的招标工作对于工程项目的成本控制和建设进度发挥就非常关键的作用,能够为水利工程建设项目在投资环境下和其他市场主体进行公平交易、平等竞争提供良好的条件。鉴于此,本文就水利工程招投标工作问题与对策展开探讨,以期为相关工作起到参考作用。  【关键词】水利工程;项目建设;招投标;问题;对策  1、现状及存在的问题  1