Privacy preserving divisible double auction with a hybridized TEE-blockchain system

来源 :网络空间安全科学与技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwy
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Double auction mechanisms have been designed to trade a variety of divisible resources (e.g.,electricity,mobile data,and cloud resources) among distributed agents.In such divisible double auction,all the agents (both buyers and sellers) are expected to submit their bid profiles,and dynamically achieve the best responses.In practice,these agents may not trust each other without a market mediator.Fortunately,smart contract is extensively used to ensure digital agreement among mutually distrustful agents.The consensus protocol helps the smart contract execution on the blockchain to ensure strong integrity and availability.However,severe privacy risks would emerge in the divisible double auction since all the agents should disclose their sensitive data such as the bid profiles (i.e.,bid amount and prices in different iterations) to other agents for resource allocation and such data are replicated on all the nodes in the network.Furthermore,the consensus requirements will bring a huge burden for the blockchain,which impacts the overall performance.To address these concerns,we propose a hybridized TEE-Blockchain system (system and auc-tion mechanism co-design) to privately execute the divisible double auction.The designed hybridized system ensures privacy,honesty and high efficiency among distributed agents.The bid profiles are sealed for optimally allocating divisible resources while ensuring truthfulness with a Nash Equilibrium.Finally,we conduct experiments and empiri-cal studies to validate the system and auction performance using two real-world applications.
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