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2013年元宵节清晨,我像往常一样,迷迷糊糊地睁开眼,顾不上戴眼镜就下意识地先摸枕头旁的手机,习惯性地刷邮箱——和所有的国外大学申请人一样,在提交完所有申请材料之后,我每天便会强迫症般不停地刷邮箱。而绝大部分时间,邮箱如死一般沉静。这天早晨,当看到邮箱里那封宾夕法尼亚大学(以下简称宾大)法学院法律硕士(LLM)的录取通知邮件时,我欣喜地蹦了起来,尖叫声夹杂着窗外此起彼伏的鞭炮声,惊动了一旁不知所措的老妈。兴奋是必然的。但兴奋过后,我更愿意把这张录取通知书看作一份多年努力的回报。我的每位宾大同学都是带着各种各样的期待来到这里。对于我们而言,在工作几年之后选择一所美国名校继续学习,原因无非都是关乎理想和现实。 In the early morning of the Lantern Festival in 2013, I opened my eyes as usual and did not attend to wearing glasses and unconsciously touched the mobile phone next to my pillow to brush my mailbox habitually - like all foreign university applicants, After submitting all the application materials, I would urge OCD to brush my email everyday. Most of the time, mail boxes, such as death generally quiet. Earlier this morning, when I saw the e-mail that I received at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law LLM e-mail, I jumped up joyfully, screams mixed with the sound of firecrackers one after another out of the window, Astonished at the side of the mom. Excitement is inevitable. But after the excitement, I would prefer to take this offer letter as a reward for many years of hard work. Each of my Penn-class students come here with a variety of expectations. For us, choosing a US elite to continue studying after a few years of work is nothing more than ideal and reality.
作者有在加拿大的多年生活经验,这篇文章告诉您出国后一旦遇到此类事情该如何处理。 The author has many years of experience in Canada and this article tells you what
包律师: 我的老儿子去年结婚,为操办他的婚事,除了用尽家里十年来的积蓄外,我还从亲属和邻居那里借了2000多元钱。儿子结婚后就分出去另过了。眼下欠的债将要到偿还期限,我
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