Relationship Between Grain Boundary Segregation of Antimony and Temper Embrittlement in Titanium-Dop

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdf303
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The antimony segregation at grain boundary was observed and the temper embrittlement in titanium-doped nickel-chromium steel was analyzed.It is concluded that the antimony segregation at grain boundary is nonequilibium and the kinetics of temper embrittlement agrees well with those of nonequilibrium antimony segregation at grain boundary.Besides,the mechanism of nonequilibrium antimony segregation at grain boundary proved to be the most satisfactory one among the existing mechanisms to interpret the antimony-induced embrittlement kinetics in the nickel-chromium steel.Based on these,the activation energy and frequency factor of diffusion of antimony-vacancy complexes were obtained according to the concept of critical time in nonequilibrium grain boundary segregation theory. The antimony segregation at grain boundary was observed and the temper embrittlement in titanium-doped nickel-chromium steel was analyzed. It is said that the antimony segregation at grain boundary is nonequilibium and the kinetics of temper embrittlement agrees well with those of nonequilibrium antimony segregation at grain boundary.Besides, the mechanism of nonequilibrium antimony segregation at grain boundary proved to be the most satisfactory one among the existing mechanisms to interpret the antimony-induced embrittlement kinetics in the nickel-chromium steel.Based on these activation energy and frequency factor of diffusion of antimony-vacancy complexes were obtained according to the concept of critical time in nonequilibrium grain boundary segregation theory.
我院近年来以中西医结合治疗先兆流产,观察56例,疗效满意,报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 56例为经临床确诊为先兆流产的门诊或住院观察病人。年龄23~37(平均28.6)岁;停经40~50天27例,51~60天17例,61天~3个月10例,5个
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