
来源 :市场营销导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxs
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第一,一定要从实际出发,积极稳妥地推进。流通现代化是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,有其内在的规律。各地绝不能一哄而起,更不能简单地认为推进流通现代化就是去盖新大楼、新商场。由于历史的原因,全国各地经济发展不平衡,流通业发展的基础和现状差别较大,在整体思路和具体做法上应该有所区别。流通现代化的内涵很丰富,包括商业经营理念的现代化、流通管理的现代化、商业人才的现代化、流通基础设施的现代化等等。各地一定要结合本地实际,提出切实可行的目标,认真做好规划,扎扎实实推进。 First, we must proceed from reality and actively and steadily advance. The modernization of circulation is the product of the development of the market economy to a certain stage and has its inherent laws. All over the world must not rush into mass production. Nor can we simply think that promoting modernization of the circulation means building new malls and new malls. Due to historical reasons, the economic development across the country is unbalanced and the basis and status quo of the development of the circulation industry are quite different. There should be some differences in the overall thinking and concrete practices. The connotation of the modernization of circulation is very rich, including the modernization of business management concepts, the modernization of circulation management, the modernization of business professionals and the modernization of circulation infrastructures. All localities must, in accordance with their local conditions, put forward practical and pragmatic goals, conscientiously do a good job in planning and push solidly forward.
Landslide susceptibility mapping is the first step in regional hazard management as it helps to understand the spatial distribution of the probability of slope
那年我第一次到天涯论坛,被天涯杂谈里面各种言论震慑了,从社会民生到国际风云,从隔壁大妈到邻居小弟,杂谈都能说出一套套的,简单的男女吵架,都能看出人权和个人意志的问题。我在一个讨论南方北方矛盾的帖子里面看了半天,然后小心翼翼的打了一长段话,试图分析南北风俗和地域偏见,但最后又一个字一个字的删除了,我想,妈的,发出去太幼稚了,以后要是红了给人看见会被嘲笑的。  所以我想,这个地方不适合我,我肯定说不过