
来源 :广播与电视技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datoufangyuan
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我省某台四部10kW调频差转发射机和五频道7.5kW电视发射机同在一个机房内。电视发射机开机后,严重干扰调频发射。曾做过这样的实验:当调频机调到指标时,前站调频机关机后,开启电视发射机,这时调频机限放第一级的栅流表指示可达到60μA。即使前站有信号,转播出来后也是一片噪声,无法收听。因此,以前为了防止五频道电视干扰,将调频差转机的高放、第一中放各级槽路调偏。 Taiwan’s four 10kW FM transmitter and five-channel 7.5kW TV transmitter in the same room. TV transmitter is switched on, a serious interference FM launch. Have done such an experiment: When the FM machine transferred to the indicator, the former station FM machine is turned off, turn on the TV transmitter, then the FM limit the first level of the flow meter indication can reach 60μA. Even if there is a signal before the station, is also a noise after the broadcast, can not listen. Therefore, in the past in order to prevent the interference of the five-channel television, the FM radio high-level transfer, the first release at all levels of channel offset.
  Simpathectomy by Bilateral Electro-coagulation of the Adrenal Medulla (BEAM) allowed depriving of adrenalin and leaving only 20% noradrenalin of the origina
[摘 要]由于石油的短期不可再生性以及对石油的过度开发和利用,在20世纪60-70年代时全球性的能源危机就初见端倪,石油危机的爆发引起人们对于不可再生资源的重视,转而寻求解决能源危机的新出路。顺应时代发展要求,煤化工以一个全新的姿态走入人们的视野。  [关键词]新型煤化工 现状 发展趋势  1.世界能源结构现状  当前世界能源的消费结构仍以化石能源消费为主,其中石油消费占30-32%,天然气
今年44岁的邓昌彦毕业于华中农业大学畜牧兽医系,后留校任教。1992年晋升为副教授,并荣获“湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号。 1983年和1987年,邓昌彦两次被派往日本香
  Dementia is the most common neurodegenerative syndrome that affects the elderly population.This currently incurable disorder causes unrelenting cognitive de
  The different phases of the development of radiopharmaceuticals are similar to those of classical pharmaceuticals, including the observation that most of th
  I hope to complete by the congress study of Nakatani and Akabane tests in movement disorders.Preliminary results attest an involvement of urinary bladder an
  The meta-analysis of Sitzer et al.(2006) reported that cognitive training (CT) is effective to improve cognition and function in Alzheimers disease (AD).In