Talent-led design endows apparel printing with new vitality

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  Recently, the First “Primary Color Cup” Fashion Women’s Print Design Competition Award Ceremony and New Product Launch Conference was held in Keqiao. It was sponsored by China Printing Technology Association, and jointly organized by Screenprinting & Graphic Imaging Branch of China Printing Technology Association and Shaoxing Primary Color Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
  The First “Primary Color Cup” Fashion Women’s Print Design Competition is based on the theme of “fashion, creativity, protection, sharing” and the direction of “primary color” to guide the connection between product development and terminal market application. Since its launch in May last year, the competition has attracted many colleges and universities, textile and garment print design units, studios and art lovers to participate, with nearly a thousand entries. In the end, the gold, silver, bronze awards, nomination awards, best business awards, best creative awards, and best color awards were selected, respectively. The award-winning new pattern designers were rewarded rich prizes as well as the trophies and certificates that symbolize the honor.
  It is worth mentioning that in order to better promote the outstanding players of this competition, and to better attract the attention of upstream and downstream enterprises so as to make the contestants’works transformed into products with commercial value. The 50 awardwinning pattern designs, combined with fabric development, garment customization, showcased the huge charm of the pattern design in the form of a model ready-to-wear show.
  At the award ceremony, the winners’ works interpreted the infinite creativity of the new generation of design forces and the creative integration of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. Xia Yaoli, the gold medal winner of this competition, said: “As a senior student of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, I am honored to be able to win such a national competition. In particular, the pattern design can be made into apparel, and my dream of being a designer is also realized in advance.”
  At present, although the development of China’s garment printing industry has many advantages such as complete industrial chain, integration and innovation of industrial chain, agglomeration of original design talents and continuous improvement of intellectual property protection, there are still defects such as insufficient creative support. This competition is based on China Textile City, the world’s largest textile trading hub, relying on industrial clusters and market advantages to integrate original design talents, upstream and downstream industrial chains, authoritative experts, trading platforms, and first-tier markets.   The fabrics of the winners of this competition were produced by Xinmen Textile Co., Ltd. In Keqiao District, and the garments were designed and customized by Jiaxing Fubu Import & Export Co., Ltd. As one organizer of this competition, Shaoxing Primary Color Digital Technology Co., Ltd. offered the contestants free admission to several software with independent intellectual property rights, including the automatic color matching software, simulation fitting software, primary color separation format PS plug-in, etc. Meanwhile, the contestants can apply for free to upload and sell original manuscripts at www. tulaiwang.com.
  In the new era of continuously guiding the traditional textile industry to the cultural industry led by culture, original design is the source of fashion development and the “booster” for industrial transformation and upgrading. Zhang Weihai, General Manager of Shaoxing Primary Color Digital Technology Co., Ltd., said: “The attention brought by the competition will further attract outstanding design talents and teams to the company, and to the textile capital Keqiao, bringing new transformation and upgrading to the company and injecting new energy into the development of Keqiao fashion creative industry.”
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