In order to understand the status quo of the centralized management of tuberculosis in Henan Province, at present, at least one city (prefecture), county and county should be drawn up with all the cities (prefectures) and county health administrative departments, TB prevention and treatment agencies, and counties Level general hospital as the investigation object. Results Most of the city (prefecture) and county health administrative departments in the province adopted some administrative measures to implement the policy on the centralized management of tuberculosis. The province’s prevention and control agencies can take the initiative to carry out publicity and training and various rules and regulations are sound, however, all Provincial TB patients referral rate is low, the registration rate is low; the comprehensive hospital outbreak of false negative rate, referral rate is low. At present, the work of centralized management of tuberculosis in our province has drawn the attention of relevant departments at all levels and achieved some success. However, there are still some weak links and some weak areas.