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2016年8月9日至11日本刊讯:2016年8月9日至11日,由文化部、哈尔滨市人民政府主办,文化部艺术司、哈尔滨市文化广电新闻出版局承办的第十二届全国声乐展演(美声组),在哈尔滨新音乐厅举行,本次展演在第33届中国·哈尔滨之夏音乐会期间举办。展演从各省、市、自治区报送的近两百名选手中选拔出19人参加展演,举办了两场音乐会, From August 9 to August 11, 2016: The 9th to the 11th of August 2016, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Harbin Municipal People’s Government, Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture and Harbin Culture, Radio and Television Press and Publication Bureau, The National Vocal Performance (Bel Canto) was held in Harbin New Concert Hall. The show was held during the 33rd Harbin Summer Concert. Nineteen of the nearly 200 athletes submitted from provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions were selected for the performance, two concerts were held,
“低能量血管内照射”(IntrarasenLarLaserI-ineliationofBlood,ILIB)是将低能量激光导入血液循环系统,直接照射血液产生广泛良好的生物效应。笔者对2例突发性耳聋患者,通过低能量He-Ne激光外周血管内照射治疗,听力... IntraraserL
The aging behavior of polyurethane adhesive in medium was investigated and compared by means of scanning electronic microscopy(SEM), infrared spectroscopy(IR),
Invasion of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, into new niches containing different food sources(a process referred to as host shift), may cause popul
患者女性 38岁双眼视物模糊20余年,完全不能视物4a,当地医院诊断为先天性核性白内障。1997年11月26日在“健康快车”行眼科检查:视力右:手动/10cm,左:手动/10cm,6m光感,光定位正常;双眼眼压均为5-5/4,10/9;双晶状体核呈弥漫
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